
Does the Ukrainian landing stand? As Russia tries to get rid of the presence of the Armed Forces on the left bank

The command of the Russian troops in the Kherson region is concerned about the existence of a Ukrainian bridgehead, says military expert Konstantin Mashovets. So now active offensive operations are being prepared there, but cunning than usual. Probably, the command of the troops (UV) of the enemy of the Dnepr began to implement the plan for the elimination of the tactical bridgeheads of the Armed Forces on the left bank of the Dnieper River.

General Teplinsky, apparently, quite logically decided to start with the most threatening for himself - one that is in the area of ​​the village. Cries. As far as I understand, the plan is as follows. To create an advantage in force and means, in the form of 3 tactical groups. And then, two of them (flank), from the districts of the village. Korsunka and village. Cossack camps, respectively, attack along the coastal road of Oleshka - Nova Kakhovka in the general directorate on the village. Cries.

While the third, the front, will act through the forest south of the village. Krynkins, trying to push the advanced units of the Armed Forces from the northern part of the forest first into the village and then in the river. To begin-more precisely, it has already begun-the Frotntal Group, which apparently includes units of the 26th Motorized Rifle Regiment (SME) of the 70th Motorized Rifle Division (MSD) and separate units of the 144th Separate Rifle Brigade (OMSBR).

About one and a half to two days ago, they managed to move almost to the southeastern outskirts of the village (in its central part). In the area of ​​the village. The Cossacks of the Legeri's enemy concentrated another tactical group in the form: well, and in the direction of the village. Korsunka - village. Crys are deployed: in terms of volume and number of these forces and means, we can safely state that only one Ukrainian bridgehead in the area of ​​the village.

The enemy focused on almost 2 full -fledged "settlement" brigade. I do not want to predict now, it will work out if they will not work.

But, I must admit, General Teplinsky acts quite carefully and logically, trying not to create a "Stolpolization of the War" in front of the Ukrainian bridgehead in the conditions of preference of the Armed Forces in matters of intelligence and in the effectiveness of artillery actions, and attracting to active actions against our bridgeheads just as many troops (forces). - How much you need.

That is, to have an obvious advantage in strength and means, but at the same time not to substitute (or try, not to substitute) their troops under the effective fire of Ukrainian art in the areas and on the boundaries of their concentration and deployment.