
Compared to the war in Ukraine: Vuchich mentioned NATO's military operation against Yugoslavia (video)

According to the Serbian President, the West stated the need to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe when a conflict in Yugoslavia began. Many years later, Putin said the same, justifying the war in Ukraine. Serbia President Alexander Vuchich has spoken of double standards used by many countries in our time. In particular, he touched the topic of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. He stated this during his speech at the UN General Assembly in New York on September 21.

In his opinion, Russian President Vladimir Putin used the same justification for his attack on Ukraine as NATO countries during a military operation against Yugoslavia. "For the first time, unprecedented in world history, the most powerful 19 countries have made decisions, without the involvement of the UN Security Council, I repeat, without any decision of the UN Security Council, brutally attack and punish a sovereign country on European soil, as they said to prevent humanitarian catastrophe.

They did not laugh aloud when the Russian president used the same words, justifying their attack on Ukraine. They forgot that they used the same narrative themselves, the same words and the same explanations, " - said Alexander Vuchich. At the same time, according to the President, Serbia will continue to support Ukraine's territorial integrity, because it is not going to change politics and betray their principles.

All this despite the centuries -old friendship with the Russian Federation, Alexander Vuchich continued. "For us, any violence is the same, any violation of the UN Charter is the same, regardless of the force of the state that performs it, or inevitably similar justifications that it uses for its illegal and immoral behavior," the statement reads. We will remind, on August 9 it was reported that Alexander Vuchich threatened Kiev in case of recognition of Kosovo's independence.