
Women's bulletproof vests will start coming to the Armed Forces in 2024 - Ministry of Defense

Due to the special structure of the body, conventional bulletproof vests are not suitable for defenders: they disrupt blood circulation, tightly fit into the chest, and can also rub. There are more than 5,000 women servicemen in the war zone. Due to the anatomical features, they need special bulletproof vests. They will begin to come to the strength of defense in 2024. About it reports the Armyinform.

In the Central Department of Material Support of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that Ukrainian defenders will start receiving bulletproof vests in 2024. They will have less weight and structurally curved plate, which takes into account the features of the female body. Currently, "field" is a experimental wearing of personal protective equipment.

"Adoption in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is expected approximately in 2024, after the" field "wearing and carrying out laboratory tests by customers of the armor vests of modular women's, provided by manufacturers," - reported to reporters. After that, the Ministry of Defense should approve the reference sample of the bulletproof vest and after that it will be considered as being adopted by the Armed Forces. In the future, the purchase for servicemen will be organized.

Men's bulletproof vests can rub women and disrupt blood circulation in the breast area. In addition, in conventional bulletproof vests, the plates are flat because of which they do not fit snugly against the chest. Therefore, there is a large area where fragments can be hit. Demper inserts and bending plates should provide more fit to the body. As a result, a woman-military should get bulletproof vests that will not cause discomfort when worn daily.