
Spies from the Russian Federation or political showdowns: to whom the "listening" of the Zaluzhny

The Russian agency dreams of getting the planning of operations of the Armed Forces, but the offices of the General Staff are not the easiest place for hacking. Mode objects check several services daily. The focus has learned who can stand by the organization of such a complex operation. Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny and his assistant Konstantin Busheyev became objects of observation. On Sunday, December 17, they found their listening devices in the offices.

The Security Service of Ukraine specified that the auditions were found not in the office, but in one of the premises where Zaluzhny could work. The technical tool did not work, there were no traces of data collection and transmission of audio recordings. In parallel, the former Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar admits that military secret has become public repeatedly and "everyone is aware of the likelihood of listening and leaking information.

" "This is always taken into account when communicating with voice. But the fact that we have the showers of secret information, say, from the headquarters - yes," she said. The head responds to the listening notification in his office later than others. On December 18, he stated that the bug was put in the premises where he was supposed to work today at 7:00 am. "This room was still used. But the break was quite significant.

Therefore, it is just under my meeting, apparently, they were preparing," the general explains. When asked if someone from the General Staff could put the device, he said, "No, we have not been working with our ears. " Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov put forward his own version of the event: in the head of the head could install homemade devices. This is an unprecedented violation of the safety regime, he made conclusions.

According to the Major General of the SBU Victor Yagun, there are two methods of listening-stationary and external. For the former, it is necessary to get direct access to communication channels, but in Ukraine such rights and technical means are given exclusively SBU staff. Another method is to deliberately install special devices. In the offices of the military could put simple Chinese equipment, because the use of equipment for special services would have long been mentioned in the reports.

The offices of the Armed Forces General Staff are a regime object that is checked daily: the protection of the premises and the military counterintelligence. Among Valery Zaluzhny's assistants is a representative of the SBU for effective communication between agencies, Yugan adds. The expert sees in the history of listening to Valery Zaluzhny pressure element, but refrains from the estimates who need it. "They want to legalize data that would discredit Zaluzhny.

Someone specifically put such a thing and in the near future we will see the artificial intelligence of X *** ny with the voice of Zaluzhny," - explains the expert. During a full -scale war, Russia has multiplied the process of introducing agents into Ukrainian authorities, including the Higher Military Command. Russian spies could work in the General Staff, according to the security expert, Lieutenant General of Foreign Intelligence Service Vasyl Bogdan.

"The enemy seeks to obtain data on military operations. Moscow is interested in the level of partnerships with the countries that provide Ukraine with military and financial assistance," he explains Focus. In the case of Zaluzhny, military counterintelligence was to identify and counteract the agent network. Bogdan is convinced that finding the bugs in the offices is not related to possible conflicts in the highest military-political leadership.

The veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the stock of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Alexei Hetman believes that the installation of listening equipment in the office of Zaluzhny by the Russian agency is the worst scenario for Ukraine. "The head offices during the war were checked every day. On the morning of December 17 it was checked, there were military people, no one could penetrate just so and install something.

In the morning on December 18, the procedure was repeated and suddenly found wire ? Can our special services check the efficiency of those who monitor the presence of listening devices? Hetman proposes not to go into the sphere of politics, in particular in discussing the influence on the head of the opposition or pro -government forces. "Any option except internal checks is not very good for Ukraine in general," he summarized.