
"The military power of the Russian Federation has not diminished": Azov officer called the needs of the Army of Ukraine (video)

According to the NSU Brigade officer NSU Ilya Samoilenko, the defense forces still do not have one hundred percent advantage over the enemy in any of the directions. Currently, the forces of Ukraine's defense are still needing new soldiers. This was stated by the officer of the National Guard of Ukraine "Azov" Ilya Samoilenko in an interview with Radio NV. The serviceman called on his compatriots to "keep his head cold. " According to him, "Russia's military power has not decreased very much.

" "We still have no 100 % advantage over the enemy in any of the directions," Ilya Samoilenko said. The Ukrainian defender noted that the results of battles and the results of the war depend not only on the amount of military equipment. Therefore, Ukraine still needs artillerymen, infantrymen, tankers, special forces, snipers, doctors and representatives of other military specialties. "The sooner people enter the army, the faster the most desirable victory will happen.

It is an axiom that we repeat, probably, a thousandth time," the military emphasized. Ilya Samoilenko also believes that Western partners and volunteers can provide Ukraine with a very large number of equipment. "You can buy equipment for money. You will not buy a desperate, well -trained soldier for money," - summed up a serviceman. We will remind, on September 12 the fighters of the team of NSU "Azov" showed how they destroy the technique of enemy from artillery and anti -tank means of damage.