
Conducting elections in Ukraine in the conditions of war: the "servant of the people" explained whether it is possible and why and why

People's Deputy Fedir Venislavsky noted that without the abolition of the legal regime of the martial law, the presidential, parliamentary and local elections are impossible and dangerous. There is no doubt about the legitimacy of President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and can be. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, elections in the country in war are impossible.

This was stated by the People's Deputy from the Servant of the People, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Fedor Venislavsky in an interview with OBOZ. UA. He explained why the Constitutional Court of Ukraine did not clarify the elections in martial law. According to him, in order for the court to consider the issue, the relevant subject of the right to constitutional submission or appeal must be addressed.

At present, no such appeal has been received. Venislavsky noted that the Western partners of Ukraine ceased to discuss elections during martial law after Ukrainian experts explained to them the situation, referring to the Constitution. "Article 108 of the Constitution of Ukraine states that the President continues to exercise his / her powers before joining the newly elected President of Ukraine.

This means that there is no doubt about the legitimacy of the current President and cannot be," the People's Deputy said. When asked what to do with elections, if the war has been delayed for several years, Venislavsky replied that without abolishing the legal regime of the martial law, the presidential, parliamentary and local elections are impossible and dangerous. "First, we will not be able to ensure the safety of all participants in the electoral process, and not only in the frontline areas.

Even in Kiev, polling stations can become the target of the aggressor. Second, more than a million voters are servicemen who perform combat missions as them Provide voting? ", - the parliamentarian said. In addition, the electoral process involves various forms of election agitation, political parties, freedom of the media.

Accordingly, the question arises how to provide it in the frontline territories and how to provide participation in the elections of citizens who are in temporarily occupied territories. "That is, if the election before the end of the war, will always be given to their results in doubt. Any authorities formed after the elections during the war can be illegitimate," Venislavsky summarized.