
Baltic countries and Poland will bring troops to Ukraine in the event of a breakthrough in Russia - the media

NATO Eastern European countries are not going to wait for Russian troops to approach their borders and want to act ahead. Such a scenario will transform the Alliance to the war, emphasize deputies from the Baltic states. The Baltic States and Poland will introduce troops into Ukraine if the Russian army has achieved serious success in the battlefield. About it writes the German magazine Der Spiegel with reference to comments from deputies from the Baltic countries.

The strategic breakthrough of the invaders in eastern Ukraine is quite possible because of the poor support of the Western countries. In particular, Germany's policy does not correspond to wartime, so the situation may worsen, the interlocutors of the publication say. NATO Eastern European States fear that it is the policy of restraining and not providing Ukraine with advanced weapons that provokes further escalation with Russia.

The Baltic States and Poland will not expect Russia's troops on their border, they will better send troops themselves to Ukraine. With such a scenario, the NATO block turns to the side of the war, which is rightly afraid of German Chancellor Olaf Soltz and US President Joe Biden, add sources.

"According to the analysis, anyone who wants to limit the war with excessive restraint is in fact the risk of getting out of control, some people are confused with caution, but the situation is too serious for this," says Der Spiegel member of the German Government Coalition Committee. Recall recently NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on the United States to allow Ukraine to strike Russian weapons. Italy considered this scenario "The Pravnia of the Third World War".