
Breakthrough in the Kursk Oblast: Ukraine was caught by the Russian Federation by Sky News explained why now

According to journalists, Kiev fears that there is little time to change the situation in their favor. After a few months during which Ukraine was in a disadvantage, the Armed Forces tried to strike back. And, apparently, such tactics were unexpected for the Russian forces. Sky News writes about it. Drones and missiles flying to the Russian territory - there is nothing new. But hundreds of fighters who attack along the border with the support of tanks are still a rarity, the publication notes.

The Russian authorities claim that the attack was reflected, but for this purpose, according to journalists, it was necessary to delay reserves from other areas. "It seems to be the purpose of Kiev - to relieve tension in other areas of the front," the journalists said. According to Moscow, the Russian Federation seized more than 400 square meters. kilometers of the territory of Ukraine only in recent months; Under the control of the Kremlin, a fifth of Ukraine.

"But Kiev is afraid that there is little time to change the situation in its favor against the backdrop of the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, which are looming on the horizon as a deadline that is approaching quickly," the journalists said. There is fears that in the event of Donald Trump's victory, US assistance will cease, and the new White House administration will require a peaceful solution to the war.

If Ukraine wants to come to talks with some significant arguments, then you need to move quickly, the publication notes. According to the Ukrainian military, about 40 Russians were captured in the Kursk region. The confirmation is made a shot made by a drone that shows the captives of soldiers. Radio Svoboda journalists geolotone a video where the resident of Sudzhansky district was near the block Post and saw the bodies of Russian servicemen who lie nearby.