
"Some evacuated six times": parents return children to Toretsk under the fire of the Russian Federation - MBA (video)

Toretsk's military administration found 80 children who had returned to the city recently. Meanwhile, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dumps on the settlement, and to the battle line - about a kilometer. Toretsk suffers from dozens of managed aircraft, which the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dumps on a residential building. All homes were damaged in the city. The city military administration has established evacuation of people, and even earlier - they took out all children.

However, some parents secretly return children who have to be rescued. Vasyl Chinchyk told about the details of the evacuation from Toretsk, the head of the Toretsk City Military Administration. Chinchik explained that during the day the Russians dumped 15-20 cabins, and as a result of the shots of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 11 people were killed during the last day, injured-30.

Starting from June 24, when the evacuation was announced, more than 1300 citizens were exported (today in the community There are 10 thousand people left). The last three children were officially taken out on June 20. However, it turned out that parents return children - they are being taken secretly, bypassing roadblocks. Thus, 80 minors were found in Toretsk, who had to be rescued.

According to the official, there were about 300 such cases: their "and the second, the third, the fourth, even the fifth and sixth time were again evacuated. " "They imported the children into the community, hid in apartments. The children remained closed in the premises so that unnecessary eyes were not seen. We worked fruitfully with all the indifferent residents who reported the situation," the cinch added, explaining what they found those who returned .

The official tried to convey what the motives were from the parents who returned the descendants to the hostilities. For example, they said they just couldn't without children and therefore return them home for summer holidays. "I do not understand what can be logical explanations to give their own children. Their explanations of banal: summer, school are over, let the children be with us. However, parents do not understand the danger of when they bring children to such places," - summed up.

It should be noted that on June 19, 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were intensified near the Toretsk in Donetsk region. Deepstate experts reported that the enemy managed to break through the Armed Forces line and move 1-2 km to the west. On the fighting map, you can see that the distance from the edge of the line of fighting to Toretsk is about 1 km.

As of July 2, as stated in the report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Russians carried out about 28 storms during the day. Under the enemy is a 12-kilometer plot: Toretsk, North, South, Iron and New York. We remind you that on July 2, the Bild military analyst reported the successes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Pokrovsky direction.