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According to the military expert of the glow of the rage, the system of mobiliza...

"On the front line is fighting 20-30%": most of the Armed Forces Brigels are not enough people-expert (video)

According to the military expert of the glow of the rage, the system of mobilization works on the principle of lottery. After a person has fallen into the shopping center and passed the VVK, it is unknown what position he will occupy in the army. In the Armed Forces, 20-30% of people are fighting on the front line, and all other servicemen deal with other tasks. The founder of "Reactive Mail", Pavlo Narozhny, told about it on the air "Radio NV".

According to him, new crews in the Armed Forces are created under a specific task, under a certain area of ​​the front. For example, new engineering crews are being formed. "When a new brigade is created, it is created in an empty place. Conditionally, an empty building is taken, they say, this is your PPD (a point of permanent dislocation), some equipment, let - said the people. He stated that the process of creating a new brigade as long as it is completely capable, takes the month at best.

That is why it is much easier to "build muscles" on an existing brigade, where there are experienced officers and warriors. The Narozhny noted that the stream of new people goes to the defense forces. They go from the shopping center not to the front, but to training centers. After 80 days of study, they get into the military unit. "How is replenishment? Very rarely, when people go directly to the front line.

And a unit is given, say, a battalion or brigade for rotation, at this point new people get there, there is a restoration. ", - the expert said. According to him, many crews have a non -complex. Unfortunately, the mobilization system works on the principle of lottery. After a person got to the shopping center and passed the VLK, it is unknown what position he will occupy in the army.

"Whether you will be the infantryman, whether you will be a driver, whether you will be a mechanic - this depends on a very serious occasion," the Narozhnyi said. He said there is a large number of professions in the army. "We have about 20-30%on the front line, and all others are engaged in various tasks. Even if you take some mechanized combat brigade, it is not all on the front line with a machine gun [fighting], and more than half are in the rear,"- The expert said.

According to him, you need to prepare now. You need to find a profession for yourself, take tactical medicine courses and buy a first aid kit. "Most of our people die precisely because of relatively easy injuries - because of blood loss, bleeding. Because there is no banal knowledge, because there is no banal a first aid kit that costs four thousand hryvnias, everyone can afford to buy it," - said the Narozhny.