
Squeeze all holes: 89 Armed Forces fighters have declared problems in their battalion

The fighters believe that their "volunteer in spirit and in fact of creation, the battalion deserves the best commander. " The soldiers of the 23rd Separate Rifle Battalion openly opposed their commander. They are dissatisfied with the lack of rotation, ignoring the management of the battalion of their thoughts and remarks, and the constant application of the unit to clamping holes. An open letter demanding 89 battalion fighters was published on his Facebook page by a serviceman Vyacheslav Kurbanov.

"Combat, we express your distrust and demand your resignation. You are unworthy of the commander of our battalion," the letter reads. Further, the appeal indicates the reasons, what caused indignation at the fighters: "You demand from fully exhausted physically and mentally fighters to continue performing combat missions. Bringing the exhausted fighters to combat duty, you run the risk of losing not only people, but also the positions that themselves.

In turn, it can affect the defense capability of the front in a certain area. The letter was signed by 89 battalion fighters. They believe that their "volunteer in spirit and in fact of creation, the battalion deserves the best commander. " Deepstate analysts, who cover the situation on the front, were concerned about events in the 23th battalion and urged the command to pay attention to this appeal and promised to keep their hand on the pulse of this situation.

"Despite the physical and mental exhaustion of the fighters, and ignoring the reports of the commanders of the mouth about the unsatisfactory moral and psychological state For him since the beginning of the war of the brigade, which met him orders for the offensive actions. Deepstate analysts. In the General Staff of the Armed Forces and in the battalion command, 89 fighters have not yet responded to an open letter.