
Russia has received the latest QAEEM-5 aircraft from Iran: Will there be changes at the front in Ukraine

The latest managed aircraft have not yet been used in hostilities in Ukraine. The military cooperation of Tehran and Moscow acquires new shades: the next president of the Republic of Islamic will send powerful ballistic missiles to the Russian army, the focus interviewed by international experts. Military cooperation of Iran and Russia goes to a new level: the Islamic Republic supplies new airbots to the occupants for targets in Ukraine.

The first attempt to use this projectile was unsuccessful, writes German tabloid Bild. In Kursk region, a heavy Iranian Qods Mohajer-6 drone has recently crashed with QAEEM-5-managed airbams on board. Iranian drone may fly to the goals in the Sumy region, but fell for an unknown reason. The Russians have not yet used Iranian Bombs QAEEM-5 in Ukraine, so their use indicates a new level of military cooperation of Tehran and Moscow, Western experts say.

The appearance of the ammunition is really like QAEM-5, the planning airbomb of small diameter. It can be installed on the Iranian drones of Mohajer-6, as well as the tactical and reconnaissance drone Hamaseh, specifies the Air Force. The QAEM-5 bomb with television guidance can be equipped with different types of warheads. The fleeting range of ammunition is up to 40 kilometers and the minimum operational height is about 3 km.

In November 2023, US National Security Council, a representative of the US National Security Council in November 2023, reported the supply from Iran to the QAEEM-5 corrected airbomb, compatible with Russian Su-25 fighters, whose flight range is up to 40 kilometers. In fact, QAEEM-5 bombs have been shipped since 2020, says Director of the Information and Consulting Company Defense Express Sergey Zgurets. "This is not the beginning of deliveries, but rather concomitant weapons for Dron Mohajer-6.

The drone is easily confused and talking about a special change in the front situation. The QAEM-5 planning bomb was adopted in Iran in 2019. The projectile is given to the target by the picture from the UAV chamber that the operator receives. The technology cannot be called reliable: in case of loss of connection with the drone, the picture is broken. Mohajer-6 drone is quite large, it will quickly be sown and mobile air defense groups.

For the same reason, the ACSU became less used on the front of the Turkish Bayraktar TB2, Zgurets said. The QAEM-5 bomb is not mounted on Russian fighters through a specific guidance system. The speed of the aircraft is much higher than Mohajer-6, and it will be much more difficult to operate. Collaboration in the sphere of MIC between the Allies is expanding and relating to different spheres.

After Russia's receipt of airbags, the likelihood of organizing deliveries from Iran's ballistic missiles increases. Most likely, the script is implemented after the election of the new President of Iran, says the expert-international of the Ukrainian Institute of Future Ilya Kus. Acting Head of the Republic of Islamic Republic of Mohammad Mohber does not have so wide powers to enter into new military contracts.

Since the beginning of the full -scale war, Russia wanted to receive Iranian ballistic missiles, but given the level of political dialogue, the Russians manage to persuade the Iranians to expand cooperation, the expert added. "The question of the price - if Iran were not against, they would have long been put bombs and rockets, but there is an element of bargaining. Iranian bombs went, some transfer still happened, "he said.

In February 2024, diplomatic sources of Reuters spoke about the transfer of the Russian Federation about 400 powerful missiles of the Earth-Earth class Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar. The shells can affect the whole at a distance of 300 to 700 km. "The volume of deliveries will increase and there is no reason to hide it. We are allowed to export weapons to any country," one of the Iranian officials said.

The supply of rockets, according to Reuters, began in early January 2024 and resulted from the implementation of arrangements in late 2023 between the military and representatives of the special services of the two countries in Tehran and Moscow. Recall that the Russians produce Shahd unmanned devices in the special economic zone of "Alabuga". China and Africa workers help in production. In Iran, MOHAJER-6 drones are observed in violation of traffic rules.