
Fear of mobilization: the Armed Forces fighters told focus how to get to men join the army

The fear of the front and low motivation are the spread of the problem not only among recruits, but also among civilian men. The focus asked the military what to do to improve the conscription and be able to join the Armed Forces. The issue of forced mobilization and its direct impact on the front have been repeatedly raised.

When a person is packed by the workers of the Tax Code in the bead, and then the VLK pass in ten minutes and "all healthy", despite the real diseases - it is likely that such a man willingly take a weapon in his hands and start storming the landing. In the best case, it will be little effective in battle, and in the worst - it threatens the life and life of brothers.

Mobilized fighters create problems at the front without motivation, according to the sergeant of the 3rd OSHBR with the call sign "Pitbul". According to him, the employees of the Tax Code "pack" everyone without parsing, although most of them were not in the front. Focus interviewed by the military disagree with this statement. According to the Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex", most of the employees of the Tax Code and the JV are military who have combat experience.

"Of course, there are people who have deviated in the shopping center, but most of the military. The commander of the department of the 24th OSHB "Aydar" Stanislav Bunyatov with the call sign "Osman" emphasized in a conversation with focus, which among those TCC workers who distribute the summons, almost 100% were people with combat experience. The fighter believes that in any case, people will not be satisfied with those who send them to the war, even if he will be without a leg.

The Lieutenant of the Armed Forces with the call sign "Alex" noted that the motivation depends on the victory. He said that before the start of the Kursk operation, many fighters were tired. Whereas after successful promotion in the Kursk region, they rose a moral and psychological state and they began to ask themselves to the front. "Peaceful residents and military have not seen victory for a long time. The last victorious fights - Kharkiv counter -offensive operation and release of Kherson.

It was two years ago. During this time, society is really tired and waiting for these victories. It has a very positive effect on the moral state of servicemen," - says the military. According to "Alex", it is also necessary to do everything in order for the civilian to realize that after the call, he will fall under the "wing" of an experienced commander, who will take care of preserving the life of a serviceman and successful performance of a combat mission.

More people want to army when all this will change at the level of military administration, all units. In addition, it is important to show that in the army professional commanders who take care of the life and health of their units. After that, more people want to join the Armed Forces, confident "Alex". The military reminded that in Ukraine there are "Centuria", where young people are preparing before the conscript age.

The main goal is not to re -educate people at adulthood, but to work with the younger generation, to educate the patriots of their homeland, who will become professional military in the future. "Here is better to work on. Phenomena as a cracker. According to the military with the call sign "Osman", the motivation of civilians to enter the army will not improve anything until there are losses at the front.

"You will do nothing as long as there are losses on the front, no conditions outside the war will make the army massively go. According to him, in order to change it, it is first necessary to fight the corruption of the state level.

In the opinion of Ukrainian political scientists, sociologists and military analysts, to improve the motivation of fighters to join the Armed Forces, read in the material of the focus "Ukrainians are afraid to fight: how to improve their attitude to mobilization and who are actually the CCC. " We will remind, on September 16 Ukrainian serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov with the call sign "Osman" told Focus about training mobilized in the centers of training.