
Biza is almost empty: AI predicts a large shortage of tanks in Russian troops - the media

According to journalists, AI analyzed the pictures of 87 military facilities of the Russian Federation, including the photos of bases, where tanks, artillery installations and armored personnel carriers are stored. According to the AII satellite photos, which was trained by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, Russia has lost a lot of tanks in the war against Ukraine. Newsweek writes about it.

According to journalists, the artificial intelligence SZ analyzed the pictures of 87 military facilities of the Russian Federation, including photos of bases, which stored tanks, artillery installations and armored personnel carriers. She is reported that AI has calculated the number of tanks at the main facilities in the Russian Federation before the start of a full -scale invasion to date.

Thus, one of these bases, the 111st central tank backup base in southeastern Russia, which in April 2021 was 857 tanks, is now almost empty. The same thing happens on other bases. However, according to the analyst of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Michael Herstad, there are still about 3200 tanks in Russia. "But the vast majority of them are in poor condition and need significant repairs," the expert said.

Gustav Gressl, Senior Researcher at the International Analytical Center of the European Council for International Relations, is convinced that Russia is losing much more equipment than it can replace, and therefore its reserves end. "Therefore, it is important for Ukraine to cause so much material loss to the Russians that at some point the situation for them becomes critical," Gresslus said.

Earlier it was reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation prepare an offensive in the south. According to the advisor of the mayor of Mariupol Petr Andryushchenko, the coal "opens the gate" to the railway connection in the Crimea. And its launch will allow Russian invaders to use their resources more efficiently. Also we will remind that on June 27, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation first hit Kharkiv Fab-500 with a planning module.