
Arrests have already begun: in Russian Krasnodar is protesting against shutdown of light

In the Russian Federation suddenly there were problems with electricity. The inhabitants of Krasnodar came to an unauthorized rally, where the detention began. In Russia, fan shutdowns began. Official version: because of "extreme heat and increased load on the network". In the capital of Kuban Krasnodari, they were not ready to sit without electricity for several hours and decided to reach an unauthorized rally. After the mayor of the city appeared there - the detention began. About it reports Astra.

The inhabitants of Krasnodar blocked the carriageway and began to chant "Give Light!". It is also reported that there is no water supply in the new LCD and the water is not brought. The Mayor of the city of Yevgeny Naumov arrived at a natural rally and promised not to leave until the situation was resolved. "I will not go from here until they give the power supply. Now we will sit with the management company, we will be with you. Want - you can tie me handcuffs to the pillar," the official said.

According to him, disconnections are related to the problem at the Rostov NPP, the light is disconnected by the Ministry of Energy, since "electrical substations are not to withstand". Emergency work is underway. He also promised that residents would soon bring drinking water. According to local telegrams, the security forces soon dispersed protesters from the carriageway. And some of them were detained.

At the same time, local publications believe that the new residents of the city are to blame and the road should not be blocked. We will remind, problems with electricity in Russia arose on July 17. At the same time, reports of the Rostov NPP began to appear. The Russian authorities said that the cause of the incident is the work of cryptoiner who consume too much electricity. And all the reports of the NPP is a fake.