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Analyzing the situation in the Kurakhiv and Uremiyevsky directions, military exp...

Kurakhiv Deaf. Why do Russian troops cannot move in the southeast

Analyzing the situation in the Kurakhiv and Uremiyevsky directions, military expert Konstantin Mashovets notes that the Russians here, in fact, are stomping on the spot. They have some promotions, but they are incomparable with the losses that the enemy carries today will be the southeastern "angle" of the front. Kurakhiv and Uremiyevsky directions.

About a week ago, the command of the troops (UV) "Yug" and "East" of the enemy renewed the attacking \ assault actions in certain sections of the line of combat collision (LBZ) of the specified directions. In fact, the meaning of these actions is the next attempt to displace the Armed Forces from the Colors-Kurakhivskyi speech, as well as to restore the provisions that existed in the Berdyansk direction before the start of the Ukrainian offensive in 2023.

In particular, after a brief "fixing" in the occupied settlements of Staromayorsk and Harvest: now, the above attempts of the enemy ended almost unsuccessfully for him. Also, in the lane of the UV "East" the advanced units of the 36th OMSBR from the warehouse of the 29th Army (ID) enemy during the current place carried out limited attackers' assault actions in directions: these actions of the enemy continue to continue for him without special success .

In his turn, in the lane of the troops (forces) of his "Yug" the enemy continued his attempts to step in the general direction on Kurakhovo and towards Konstantinovka, in particular: now, the enemy seeks to fully take control of the village. Paraskovka and move from her to the Marinka's road - coal (she is 00532), bypassing the village. Konstantinovka from the north.

Obviously, the tactical group acting on the part of Pobede should "Odistvist" that part of the division that comes from Novomikhailivka. It should also be added that in the lane of the 20th MSD, units were apparently introduced into the battle of at least 3 more motorized rifle regiments of territorial troops (TRV SMEs), which are probably promptly subordinated to the headquarters of the 20th MSD.

South of this direction, in the general Sweet Directorate-Vodyane, as I pointed above, operate units of the 39th OMSBR and a consolidated tactical group of the 18th machine-gun-artillery division (rush), from the warehouse "Vostok".

Currently, the enemy has succeeded, in general in this southeastern "corner" of the front for spring and half of the summer to achieve sufficiently limited results, in particular: but as far as I understand, the main tasks in these areas, namely-complete displacement of the Armed Forces West Road of Mar 'Belt-coal (and thus, the elimination of the entire Kurakhiv-Vugledar speech), as well as the "resumption of position" in most of the lane of the troops (forces) in "East", and are currently remaining for the enemy.

Let's say so, quite problematic. Obviously, from possible (planned?) Actions to cover the Kurakhiv-Vugledar speech (bridgehead) of the Armed Forces by rapid breakthrough towards, in fact, Kurakhov (and the creation of the conditions for covering the bridgehead from the north, and from the south such conditions were created earlier), The enemy's command refused. I suspect - forced. Several attempts to "break through Georgiyivka" the enemy still made.

Just as in the spring he tried to step towards the Golden Niva, as well as from the turn of Shevchenko - Pavlovka. But all this ended for him, in fact, failed. In addition to a few "small-tactical" heritage, it did not bring him anything significantly. Including, with regard to the hypothetical "cover", in relation to the Kurakhiv-Vugledar speech, possible operation.

Therefore, obviously, from early spring, in parallel with the "experience" regarding the "rapid breakthrough on the Kurakhovo" command of the enemy began the practical implementation of the usual plan for itself on the frontal and slow displacement , Victory, repeated attempts to break into the water "south of the most newlykhailovka, sporadic attempts" to bypass the coal ", then from the east, then from the west, etc. ).

That is, obviously, before the command of the "Yug" the enemy was set a very specific and clear task - to eliminate the Ukrainian Kurakhiv - the Comedar bridgehead, dangerously elongated towards Vladimir and Volnovakha. Moreover, as far as I understand, the "direct sodae" in "yug" in this case was to provide UV "East" (by the forces of his right-handed 29th and 68th AK), before which, in turn, was assigned a task " They will return all the "own" and independent Wremiyevsky direction.

Currently, the command "Yug" and "Vostok" of the enemy are quite far from achieving this kind of results: judging by the dynamics and the main trends on the development of the situation in other operating areas, the command of "Yug" and "Vostok", which, in fact, And they operate in Kurakhiv and Uremiyevsky directions, to count on significant reinforcement with additional forces and means - it is hardly worth it. At least in the near future.

We will have to do, mostly, on their own (that is, those that are already concentrated and deployed in their composition). At the same time, the task of eliminating the Kurakhiv-Wugledar bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will also be removed. Therefore, of course, they will try to attack and storm.