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Official Israel is

Very careful: Prince William first commented on the war in Israel

Official Israel is "alarmed" by the call of Prince William to stop fighting in gas. But "does not want to enter a public scandal with the future king. " Prince William publicly commented on the conflict in the Middle East. And the operation of Israel against Hamas, as well as the attack of militants on Israel on October 7, 2023. Israel, as reported, is "concerned" by the statement of the heir of the throne. About it writes Daily Mail.

Prince William noted that he was deeply concerned about the "horrific human victims of the conflict in the Middle East, which occurred after the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7. Too many people were killed. " He continued, saying: "I, like many others, I want to put an end to the fighting as soon as possible. There is an urgent need to increase the humanitarian aid of Gazi. It is extremely important that assistance and hostage to be released.

" He completed his sharp performance, saying that the importance of constant peace is realized only when "we face a huge scale of human suffering. " "Even at the darkest hour, we should not be desperate. I continue to cling to the hope that you can find a bright future, and I refuse to give it up," William summarized. Experts believe that he thought for a long time how to speak about what was happening and do it correctly.

But perhaps because of his own experience as the first member of the royal family, who visited Israel and the west shore of 2018, and because the conflict does not fade, he decided that potential benefits outweigh the risk of being accused of exceeding his constitutional role . It is reported that in Israel they were captured by the prince's statement, since members of the royal family usually do not speak on similar topics.

But The Telegraph argues that although it is "worried" in Israel, but they do not want to risk conflict with the future King of the United Kingdom. This happens on the eve of a decisive vote in the House of Commons under the second proposal of the Scottish National Party on the immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Sector.

Prince William's public statement was also made on the eve of Prince Wales' visit to the British Red Cross in London to discuss the growing humanitarian crisis in the Gaza sector and beyond. His statement was made from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Commonwealth of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and was congratulated on Downing Street, which stated that his "weighed" call for termination of hostilities was consistent with the government's position.

Royal helpers emphasized that it was "the scale of human suffering that prompted him to make such a statement. " They did not confirm whether it was supported by the king. But the father and son met on the weekend in Norfolk, where Charles recovers after cancer treatment. However, this statement also puts the heir to the throne in danger of accusations of intervention.

Israeli government representative, Foreign Minister Eilon Levy gave a more diplomatic response to the prince's intervention, saying: "Israelites, of course, want to see the cessation of hostilities as soon which threatens to repeat the thief on October 7, will be disbanded. We appreciate the call of Prince Wales to Hamas to release hostages. We also gratefully mention his statement of October 11, which condemns Hamas terrorist attacks and confirms the right of Israel to self -defense.