This was reported by Russian propaganda Telegram-channel Mash. On a widespread video, a comedian speech says that a man with a disability came to him in the passage of the subway. Ostinin called him "skaters without legs.
" On March 15, the Russian media wrote that the bourgeois investigative department of Moscow had initiated a criminal case against Artemy Ostemy under Article 282 of the Criminal Code - "ignition of hatred or hatred and humiliation of human dignity", which provides for a punishment of up to 6 years in prison.
Read also without NATO, weapons and two regions: what Putin's requirements for a 30-day truce "should take into account the reality": in the United States, they will return to the occupied Russian territory of Ukraine France wants a statue of freedom back: the deputy demanded from the United States to return the famous gift "Chechens mainly" The Committee of the Russian Federation stated that the main investigative department of the UK of Russia in Moscow is investigating a criminal case against the land.
"According to the investigation, no later than March 15, 2025, the suspect during a public speaking in Moscow made hostile comments to the persons who received injuries and lost their ability to work," the department said. The Telegram-channel "Belorussian Silk" spread a photo of the detainee Lastin and said that the Belarusian security forces hung a stand on the neck of the meat grinder.
According to the author of the channel, on one of the speeches the Russian comedian said that the mothers of participants of the "special military operation", as the Kremlin calls the war against Ukraine, on March 8 it is necessary to give meat grids. The Moscow Investigative Committee posted a video of a comedian interrogation, at which the Ostaine apologizes for his words and assures that "he did not intend to offend someone or to make someone's feeling.
" In a comment to the Russian Telegram-channel "Orthodox," the News "Komik said that in his joke he meant not participants" his ", but a beggar in the subway, who" rides without his feet in Skatya for 20 years ". "There is no word about" your "joke and it is not even close to it, the rest of the bloggers. And, surprisingly, federal media. I was attached to me, because at first all the information in these channels was presented under such sauce.
Critical thinking to the question, of course, no one connected," We will remind, on March 18 Russian singer Philip Kirkorov reported the death of his father, Bedros Kirkorov. Kirkorov-Srishly openly supported the invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and stated that the Kremlin "had good reasons to start its. " On March 12, Ticker-millionaire from Kryvyi Rih Arthur Babich stated that he was applying for Russian citizenship.
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