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According to a military expert, a major of reserve Alexei Hetman, a new phase of...

New Phase of War: The expert explained what it means and what to wait further

According to a military expert, a major of reserve Alexei Hetman, a new phase of war, will continue until winter will end. The words of President Vladimir Zelensky about the new phase of war do not mean changes on the front and the transition to defense. Winter is already the latest phase, because the fighting will have to be conducted in new conditions. The military expert, reserve Major Alexei Hetman told this in a comment to the focus.

"First of all, we will have to be prepared to reflect the enemy's attacks throughout the demarcation line. Add here the need to build fortifications in the north and east, which the president spoke in his address. This is necessary for the enemy not to try to make an offensive on a wide range again Front. The army should be put into operation by spring, renewing equipment and personnel. This is a new phase of war, which will continue until winter will end, " - explains the focus of the hetman.

The expert reminds that the army cannot always be in the offensive, requires a break, restoration of strength and resources. We will remind, President Zelensky said that with the beginning of winter the war in Ukraine is in a new phase. He also noted that the defense forces do not retreat, but is dissatisfied with the fact that the army is losing people. Zelensky also mentioned military assistance from partners who did not provide the weapon they wanted from.

Note that the concept of "war phases" is more literary meaning used for more understanding. In military science, what understanding, it is about operations. It is military operations that have a transition between phases and differ in a number of criteria. For example, it can be strategic, front or army when it comes to the scale of military operation. In time, it can be - first or subsequent operations, already for the goals - offensive or defensive. Read more in the Winter Campaign Focus.