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According to the deputy chairman of OP Igor Zhovkva, Victor Orban's proposal is ...

Ukraine has refused Hungary's proposal to stop fire for negotiations with the Russian Federation - OP

According to the deputy chairman of OP Igor Zhovkva, Victor Orban's proposal is not unique. Hungary is not the first country that wants Ukraine to pause in the war and started negotiating with Putin. Hungary is not the first country to speak of ceasefire, but Ukraine has a clear position on how to reach peace, its discussion has already begun during the first world summit. The deputy head of the Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva told this on the marathon "The only news".

According to him, Victor Orban's visit was carefully prepared and has been planned for a long time. Zhovkva recalled that from July 1, Hungary adopted the relay in the Belgian presidency in the EU and took over the organization of the EU Council's work for the next half a year. During his meeting with President Zelensky, Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban asked him to think about suspending fire and sitting at the negotiation table with the Russian Federation. "I asked Mr.

President to think about whether it is impossible to go a little differently, take a break, pierce the fire and then start, continue the negotiations. After all, the ceasefire could ensure the acceleration of the pace of these negotiations," said Orban. The deputy head of the Presidential Office Igor Zhovkva commented on Orban's statement, noting that he made his position three times: during a Tet-A-Tet ​​meeting, at a briefing and during a press conference.

"Hungary is not the first country to talk about a similar variant of events. The President of Ukraine listened to his interlocutor, but in response he outlined his position, which is clear, understandable and famous. Ukraine really wants peace, and we have a tool for this - Ukraine has held the first , the inaugural world of peace and prepares for the second, " - said Zhovkva. According to him, in the process of preparation for this summit, Ukraine will build a sequential chain of action.

"We say that Ukraine will build a project of its peaceful plan, a road card, how to establish peace. And it will produce it with all the states that are ready for this and Hungary is also ready for it," Zhovkva said. According to him, representatives of Russia can be present at this second summit, if the Russian Federation ceases to speak "ultimatum".

"In the event that the aggressor country will listen to this plan, it will be ready to talk about this plan, not to speak the language of ultimatums, so, during the second summit, we can say that Russian representatives can in one way or another or another. It is possible to attend this summit. He also reported that President Zelensky and Prime Minister Orban discussed Hungary's participation in the preparation of the Second Peace Summit.