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In order for the Ukrainian army to receive modern officers, it is necessary to b...

Do the brain officer need: How to stop raising the Soviet commanders for the Armed Forces

In order for the Ukrainian army to receive modern officers, it is necessary to break the whole system of their upbringing from the very beginning, the journalist Viktor Tregubov is confident. Otherwise, the Armed Forces will, as now, will appear massively people who seemed to leave the Soviet military school yesterday. With feedback in the army is really a problem. And these problems are just a true Soviet heritage.

When they say about the "scoop" in the army, often they mean some very strange things of the class "Tigram of meat do not apply" - the type of fighter was forced, covered or issued a task that he considers meaningless and in general - "why I" . It would be interesting for such people, for example, in US Marine Corps, where the scoop has never been, and the same bullshit on the maxima. The real scoop is some other things. For example, in the same lack of feedback.

And this problem directly follows from the Soviet traditions of training officers. I would describe the way of preparing officers in post -Soviet military universities as tyrannical perfectionism. All the same requirements as for soldiers, but even greater meticulousness. All the same perfect compliance with statutory requirements, willingness to always get on the head for the smallest shoal and unconditional fear of management.

With regard to the soldiers, this phenomenon, albeit disgusting, once aimed at raising a person who will not think at a critical moment, but will execute the order. Therefore, it is present in other armies of the world - although it is now less. As for the officers, this did not make sense from the outset - their task in the normal, non -Soviet armies, just think and make decisions. But the main problem is that tyrannical perfectionism does not make a person better.

The cadet in a military university is always in conditions where he can be punished. Requirements - a million, some of them in certain points contradicts each other, you will not fulfill. The commanders know this, the commanders are so convenient, because it is always possible to explain to the subordinate that he is wrong and will not cope.

Therefore, instead of developing his military and commander's skills, the cadet develops as follows: it is such a freshly baked personnel officer that comes to the Armed Forces. What do we have as a consequence? The uninitiated commanders who are afraid of "fly" in the eyes of their own command and who always write in reports only what it wants to see. Now let's imagine that all the reports go through many stages. Platoon, mouth, combat, commalable, ot, GSC . . .

As long as the document reaches the highest command, there will already be such a molasses that at least every hero, and from the Kombrig and above - two at once. And it is necessary to break this at the level of education of the officer. And, sorry, just send the general in the trench - well, he will see problems in one particular trench. Although he will probably not see, because I do not believe that he will not provide sterile purity.