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The Anthem of Ukraine was turned on on the lane of the builders. After 15 minute...

In Mariupol, the Anthem of Ukraine was heard: Andryushchenko told about the reaction of the invaders

The Anthem of Ukraine was turned on on the lane of the builders. After 15 minutes, the occupation police arrived. On Saturday, September 23, in the temporarily occupied Mariupol of Donetsk region, civilians turned on the anthem of Ukraine. This was reported by mayor Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko on Telegram. "The Anthem of Ukraine was heard in the occupied Mariupol. Yesterday night the Anthem of Ukraine was turned on the lane of the builders of Mariupol," said Petro Andryushchenko.

According to him, 15 minutes later, Russian police arrived on the place, but did not find anyone. Andryushchenko stressed that Mariupol is waiting and fighting. "Mariupol. Unbreakable and unconquered," said the mayor of Mariupol. We will remind, on September 22 the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushchenko declared that Mariupols began to be summoned with suspicion of extremism. The locals who are dissatisfied with the occupying authorities come to Russian "Major" and give summons.

On September 21, it became known that Mariupol's civilians stopped being treated in medical institutions. In particular, hospitals suspended the reception of patients with Mariupols due to an increase in the number of wounded Russian military. Instead, civilians are given pills, painkillers, and then sent home. Due to such actions of doctors in Mariupol, 300 to 400 people die every week. On September 6, Petro Andryushchenko said that in Mariupol daily invaders stole people from torture.