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The Russian authorities seek to break the connection of Crimea with Ukraine. To ...

The Crimea is filled with enemies of Ukraine. As Putin tries to change the population of the peninsula

The Russian authorities seek to break the connection of Crimea with Ukraine. To do this, Putin has a special program - to distribute land on the peninsula to those who are configured by anti -Ukrainian or participated in the war. In the Crimea occupied by Russia, a new stage of land redemption began to change the demographic situation on the peninsula. It is not only about the population, but also about its "quality". The essence is the provision of land to war participants in Ukraine.

Moreover, a resident may be a resident of any Russian region. In parallel, the process of "confiscation" of real estate owned by Ukrainian citizens. It is noteworthy that in the summer of 2024 Aksyonov emphasized that "Crimean lands should allocate to Crimeans. " In August, everything has changed dramatically - and there are several reasons. I'll try to stay on some of them. By the end of 2014, the Russian Federation began the process of replacing the population of the peninsula.

It was about launching several federal programs. Among them, it can be noted that all this allowed the results of 2016 to demonstrate the growth of the population on the peninsula compared to the beginning of 2014. That is, not only the losses from the migration of Ukrainian citizens who did not want to remain in the occupation were compensated, but the growth was demonstrated. In reality, it was about the old imperial policy of the replacement of the population.

On the one hand, work was done on the "squeezing" of disloyal inhabitants, on the other - those for whom a new place of life became a "gift of fate" was imported. Or, in our realities, "Putin's gift. " By 2018, at least 15-17% of the Crimean population could be replaced. And most of those who came, perceived the resettlement as a sharp improvement in the quality of their lives.

Due to the fact that many of those who have moved are military pensioners, the Kremlin created the preconditions for extremely active resistance to the return of the peninsula in Ukraine. And in parallel, the general atmosphere of "pressure" on pro -Ukrainian sentiment of locals. Politics, however, is not new - it is enough to mention the "military towns" and the allocation of apartments for "retired", which the USSR actively built in Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and the Baltic countries.

But any replacement program has its restrictions. The extremely fast arrival of "new residents" can provoke the resistance of those who lived in the territory before the arrival of the empire (even if they were waiting for it). Therefore, such a policy is wavy. After the first wave pause. Then, in a few years, the second wave. The same thing happened in Crimea. The pause began at the turn of 2020. The Kremlin and local authorities effectively used the topic of pandemic.

In fact (except for managers) a pause was taken. Federal budget financing was limited to some categories of FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, investigative and managers. For the Crimean "power", this situation was perceived positively. On the one hand, even if it was confiscated real estate, its sale was "for live money". On the other hand, a political play began to play for the locals about "protecting the Crimea and the Crimean from the influx of foreigners.

" From 2023 in Crimea began to speak about the allocation of land to "their participants". Which, on the one hand, repeated the policy of a number of other subjects of the federation, and on the other, given the value of land, made it possible to save on the payment of "lifting". It is about money that (especially in 2024) local budgets pay to citizens who have signed a contract with the Russian Federation.

There was little money in Crimea (we remember "NO, but you state"), and payments of 2 million Russian rubles in the Kuban forced local potential "contractors" to ask inconvenient questions to Aksonov and his environment. The exit was found in the provision of land, including near the sea. For example, in May 2024, local media reported on the allocation of land into sections for more than 600 participants of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Important detail: the land was distributed in the Stotomov settlement on the western coast of Crimea. However, it was emphasized that only residents of the peninsula can claim such real estate. But it happened - the laws of demography intervened. If you have actively funded retirement resettlement 10 years ago, it is logical to expect that this category of persons will sooner or later begin to die. That is, statistics began to fix the tremendous increase in mortality on the peninsula.

Where to the Crimean pensioners killed in the war was added recent migrants. This was given to reduce the number of marriages and fertility (which is logically for the war -torn peninsula). As a result, Crimestus proudly reported that in seven months of 2024 the population in Crimea decreased by 7. 6 thousand people. At the same time, only 8,927 children were born, and 16,500 died. And given the age structure (according to Rosstat), in January 2022 there were almost 0.

5 million people over working age, or 25. 5% of the population in Crimea. For comparison, the Central Russian indicator is 23%, and in respect of Crimea and Sevastopol there is a significant distortion of data through military personnel (especially term). That is, the real structure (permanent residents) is even worse. A new correction of the structure of the population is required. That is, a new wave of migration.

And here is another factor - the need to increase the scale of recruitment for participation in the war. In many regions, they have already reached the ceiling of lifting payments. For example, in the Stavropol region, the outflow of agricultural mechanics that went tankers were recorded. Realizing that they can die, but receiving only "lifting" more than they earned in a few years. Compare - Median wages in Stavropol in early 2024 amounted to 23.

6 thousand rubles, lifting mercenaries for a contract with the Russian Federation - 1. 6 million rubles (+100 . . . 400 thousand from the power of its settlement). That is, a person received a five -year salary for signing the contract. The way out is the distribution of "expensive and desirable" Crimean land. Getting a plot "on the seashore" for a resident of a remote Russian region is an attractive prospect. But there was a policy of "protection of Crimeans" from Aksenov. She was, she ended.

Already in August 2024, the deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers Anna Anyukhina told reporters that persons who have signed a contract with the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of residence, could apply for sections in Crimea. The corresponding rules of "laws" on the peninsula were promptly changed. A little later, Aksyonov confirmed this information. And at the end of September, this opportunity was stated as the specifics of the policy of "local authorities".

And here you should dwell on an interesting aspect. At the beginning of 2024, the land in the Crimea was allocated to those who had already passed their "their". That is, he spent some time. Crimean lands now go as part of "lifting", replacing cash payments. Of course, not for everyone, but for valuable experts whose deficit is felt by the Russian army. But on the Crimean scale can be about 20-30 thousand people a year. What is very, very much.

Thus, the Kremlin, on the one hand, saves money, on the other - continues the policy of replacing the population in the Crimea, stimulating the relocation of the most hostile to Ukraine. Due to the fact that the number of Crimean lands is limited, there is a high probability of starting such a policy on the occupied parts of Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions.