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Hungary and Turkey propose to agree that Ukraine will not defeat the Russian Fed...

Blows on the Russian Federation or loss of territories: what is known about six "peace plans" of the end of the war

Hungary and Turkey propose to agree that Ukraine will not defeat the Russian Federation, journalists explained. The liberation of the occupied areas is referred to in a single peace plan, others talk about the borders of 2022 or "territorial realities". Ukraine and world politicians are trying to offer Russia the conditions of a peaceful plan that will convince President Vladimir Putin to end the Russian-Ukrainian war.

In the Ukrainian plan - the exit of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from all occupied territories and payment of reparations. Other proposals propose to agree to the non -rotation of the 1991 borders and to various types of "freezing" of war. The peculiarities of peace plans were told on the TSN portal. Journalists cited the basic theses of six peace plans, which are considered on the way to the end of the war.

In addition to Ukrainian, it is about the proposals of partners and allies of the Russian Federation - Belarus, China and Turkey. There are also ideas formulated by Western partners of Ukraine. The Ukrainian peace plan was announced by President Vladimir Zelensky, recalled journalists. The so -called "formula of peace" began to be talked about in the spring of 2023. The formula contained ten points that referred to the release of occupied territories, reparations, punishment of criminals, etc.

At the same time, at the Global Peace Summit, which took place in June 2024, there were three main topics for future possible negotiations in the Russian Federation - a topic of food, humanitarian and nuclear safety. Belarus offered her "peace plan" in the spring of 2023, according to the portal. The first negotiations on the end of the war began at the Belarusian site proposed by President Alexander Lukashenko in February 2022.

A year later, he proposed to immediately stop shooting, declare a truce and accept occupation. Turkey also said its word about peace. In particular, the President of this country Recep TaiP Erdogan in 2023 stated that the Presidents of the Russian Federation and Ukraine should start personal negotiations in the Turkish territory. The politician argued that it was necessary to agree with this because countries will not be able to defeat each other.

China has published its vision of the completion of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The PRC plan consisted of 12 points. Among them are the cessation of hostilities, the restoration of grain exports and industry, nuclear safety, the removal of sanctions from the Russian Federation and the "joint recovery". Brazil also said her word about the war in the Russian Federation, journalists reminded. Her peace plan resonated with Chinese.

He contained not 12, but six points in which they were called to stop the escalation, spoke of the "humanitarian crisis", about nuclear security and the restoration of "industrial chains". France also declared its proposals in the spring of 2023. President Emmanuil Macron said that it is necessary to create a special international structure on the basis of which they would agree on peace. As of July 2024, such a structure did not appear.

Instead, the French politician began to talk about the possibility of the emergence of the Western military in Ukraine, and NATO was set up a committee that would organize military assistance. The United States voiced another idea of ​​the end of the war with Presidential Presidential Trump. His first proposals were heard in the spring of 2024: he was convinced that it would be forced to stop the fighting within one day.

In July, Boris Johnson, the UK, spoke with him, talking about the updated version of the plan. According to Trump, in order to finish the war, three steps must be taken: Ukraine first beats the Russian Federation Atacms and Storm Shadow, then the Russian Federation recedes to the borders on February 22, 2022 and finally Ukraine enters NATO and the EU. Earlier, Focus wrote about other plans voiced by world politicians.

For example, in June-July, the proposals of the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban appeared. He stated that Ukraine and the West will not be able to defeat the Russian Federation - it must be recognized and satisfied by the Kremlin's requirements. At the same time, Vladimir Putin was proposed, who declared the invasion if the Ukrainians agree to give four regions and Crimea. In July, the Russian expansion and council member Dmitry Medvedev told his word.