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There are a few more weeks for the Constituent Global Peace Summit, but the West...

How to leave Putin without allies. Why EU initiates a peaceful summit in Saudi Arabia with the participation of

There are a few more weeks for the Constituent Global Peace Summit, but the Western media has information that the European Union allegedly plans to hold another such event in the fall, but with the participation of Russia. What such an EU initiative can testify to and how they will respond to Kiev and Moscow, has found out the focus.

The Bloomberg Agency, citing unnamed officials, reports that the EU currently discusses options for continuing peace talks in Ukraine after a summit in Switzerland, which will be held on the initiative of Kyiv on June 15-16. In particular, it is noted that the EU "considers it to be important" to hold a meeting in Saudi Arabia with the direct participation of the Russian Federation. This meeting seems to be regarded as a continuation of the June Summit.

It should be noted that in 2023 in Saudi Arabia, namely in Jedda, located on the Red Sea, there were negotiations on the Russian-Ukrainian war. At that time, more than 40 countries participated in the event, and the key topic of the discussion was the Ukrainian plan for conflict resolution better than the "Zelensky formula". Russia was not invited to the event, as they do not call it and to the coming summit at the Swiss Burgenstok.

Meanwhile, the experts with whom the focus spoke, believe that the probable "peaceful" summit in Saudi Arabia with the invitation of the Russian Federation can carry a number of open and veiled problems.

"The Peace Summit in Saudi Arabia on the initiative of the Western media is written about the desire of our partners as soon as possible to end the war as soon One of the recent interviews, President Vladimir Zelensky, with our partners sometimes peace, and even more so just peace, we see differently, "- said political scientist Alexei Buryachenko in conversation with focus.

As the expert notes, "in general, it is very strange that in two years of the war, some partners are still ready to sit at the negotiation table with the Russians without a common consolidated position and on Putin. " "It should be understood that information about a possible Summit in Saudi Arabia is still unofficial, but this is really what they say. Therefore, at least we should now explain to our partners that we are absolutely not against meeting in the fall in Saudi Arabia.

As far as I I understand, we do not even mind to do it with the Russian Federation, but there are several "but". - Capitulation conditions for the Russian Federation, " - Oleksiy Buryachenko emphasizes. All these experiences, according to the expert, should be based "on a single formula that is currently on the geopolitical table - the formula of peace of Ukraine or, as it is called, the formula of Zelensky.

" "In my opinion, a meeting in Saudi Arabia can really take place within the summits of peace, because we understand that the Summit of Peace in Switzerland is the first, that is, the constituent and then there will be new measures of a similar nature. But, let's first develop a consolidated position without which it will be extremely difficult to force Russia to a really just peace, ”Alexei Buryachenko sums up.

For his part, political scientist Oleg Saakyan in conversation with focus makes another emphasis: "The lack of refutation of information about the summit in Saudi Arabia confirms the logic that is really considered now in the European Union. And this logic, in my opinion, is primarily aimed at demonstrating to clear Russia's non-constructiveness for the global south and the openness of Ukraine and the West to take advantage of any opportunity for diplomatic solution of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

" The political scientist suggests that the narrowing of the agenda of the dissident summit in Switzerland on issues that do not directly affect the end of the war, but rather only on its course, opens the opportunity to try even before the agreement on the main package, which is in total of ten points. , to communicate with Russia. "Yes, this will ideally be a coordinated day between partners within the Peace Summit, which will then be transferred to the Russian Federation.

In case of consent of the Russian Federation to accept these points and on the basis of them to move to the diplomatic end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, it can be issued on a common Meetings in Saudi Arabia. Configured, " - states Oleg Saakyan.

The consent of the Russian Federation to these conditions, according to the expert, will allow to move further in the formula of peace, in agreement of the position between civilized countries, "which stand for the power of law and not for the right of force. " Answering focus questions about whether Russia, which always criticizes peace in Switzerland, can agree to a meeting already initiated by the European Union in the fall in Saudi Arabia, the political scientist said: .

An important role in whether the Russian Federation will fix the situation - the dynamics of war and the political situation in the United States will play. that Europe, initiated by the summit in Saudi Arabia, will test Beijing about his willingness to attract his mechanisms of influence on Russia in order to move in the diplomatic track in the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

" Information on the probable autumn peace summit in Saudi Arabia with the participation of the Russian Federation has already been commented by the President of Ukraine. In particular, during the joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez in Madrid, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said: "There were about 200 rounds of negotiations with the Russians within the Norman negotiations and the Minsk agreements, and they did not fulfill them. That is, there were no results.

The occupied parts remained in the occupation. " The President added that it is impossible to sit at the negotiation table with Russia even with regard to grain, "because the Russian Federation will be lying equally, so the agreement was concluded through Turkey and the UN. " Similarly, according to the Head of State, they want to do about peace: first to work out positions without Russia, and then to pass them on to it.

With regard to proposals and initiatives of other countries, including the EU, Zelensky added that Ukraine is open, "when it comes to just peace. " Meanwhile, according to Roszmi, Putin's Prescribe Dmitry Peskov, commenting on information about the probable peace summit in Saudi Arabia, said that "this is not at this time. " Meanwhile, the Kremlin speaker did not specify, Moscow would accept an invitation to such an event from the EU Member States or would categorically reject him.