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The General Directorate of Intelligence (GUR MOU) states that Vladimir Putin is ...

If Putin attacks: will Europe increase Ukraine's support because of the risk of Russian invasion

The General Directorate of Intelligence (GUR MOU) states that Vladimir Putin is currently focused on a possible military confrontation with Europe and NATO. Does this mean that the European partners of Ukraine, aware of the risks for themselves, will strengthen the diverse support of official Kiev, found out the focus. In the near future, Vladimir Putin will focus on a possible confrontation with Europe and NATO, said Vadim Skibitsky on Monday, April 1.

According to him, Russia's strategy on Ukraine remained unchanged. First of all, we are talking about the full occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. At the same time, Skibitsky added "after Farce, which is called elections in Russia, the dictator will focus on continued aggressive policy. " "He (Putin - Ed. ) Was this next stage of the direct retention of power, and now he will try to solve the tasks facing him with respect to Ukraine and not only.

Active preparation for confrontation with Europe, with NATO - has already begun at the level of statements and exactly All the efforts of the Russian Federation will now focus on, ”Vadim Skibitsky emphasized. Meanwhile, expert opinions regarding the risk of Russia's hypothetical invasion in European countries will force them to strengthen Ukraine's support, and have been shared somewhat.

Political scientist Igor Losev is skeptical that the threat of clash with Russia will force Europe to act more decisively in terms of Ukraine's support. "We need to hope and rely on ourselves. Unfortunately, we have not been engaged in our defense industry and the Armed Forces for 30 years," the expert stated in conversation with focus.

"Well, and in relation to Europe, and specifically neighbors, the Poles, I think, will somehow be twisted, and the Magyars take a hostile position and this is a fact that they do not go. Actions and try to find their way, thinking that they will be able to get around with Russia. They will not understand the Russian Federation, as Russia will strive to make them their colony, "Igor Losev added.

At the same time, in his opinion, if in the fire regime begins to order with defense and mobilization, then Ukraine will be able to withstand without great assistance from Europe. "So we need to start with ourselves, because we have many claims to make a measure that is not guilty of decades that have not been engaged in our defense capability. No one will fight for us, and not yet a fact that we will be given great help .

In general, we can stop giving it and then, to capitulate? Much less pessimistic in his estimates Director of the Situation Agency Vitaliy Bala. "Europe is already accumulating its efforts, and 7 countries even consider the possibility that Macron said of, namely - about the deployment of their troops in Ukraine.

Therefore, I think that Europeans, especially those who have a common border with the Russian Federation, clearly and carefully They are aware of the existing threat, "the political scientist notes in the focus comment. Vitaliy Bala is convinced that it was in this context that Putin recently made statements that he was not going to go anywhere and an attack on Europe is nonsense.

"But these statements are nothing more than a Russian special information operation aimed at reducing Ukraine's support from its allies. I do not think that the operation will be successful, because the economic potential of European countries is sufficient and more important support for Ukraine," - the political scientist emphasizes.

Noting that Europeans "now want to create the same debt as it was in KOVid" to refer these funds into weapons and themselves and Ukraine ", Vitaliy Bala sums up:" Unfortunately, except Hungary and Slovakia, this issue is hindered by Germany, and the decision in The EU is accepted unanimously.

At the same time, the Bundestag experts have come to the conclusion that the deployment of troops in Ukraine even one country - NATO member does not contradict international law and does not mean that the whole alliance should enter the war. So in reality, Europeans are moving and it cannot but rejoice. "The threat of Russian offensive to Europe does not doubt the political scientist-international center" United Ukraine "Dmitry Levus.

" In 2024, the final doubts about the possibility of Russia's operation against European countries in the expert environment have disappeared. The only thing is the difference in estimates when it can happen. The assumption is now being heard at the end of the current year - the beginning of next year, " - says Dmitry Levus in conversation with focus. According to him, the general trend is that" in principle we can talk about increasing European support to Ukraine.

" I am convinced that the opponents of the opinion about the growing threat of the Russian Federation to torpedo this support will be extremely difficult. That is, European support of Ukraine will inevitably grow. Another thing - at what pace it will happen, " - adds an expert.

As for the possibility of an attack of the Russian Federation, for example, the Baltic countries, he, according to the political scientist, is quite probable," because after the so -called presidential elections, Russia is on a certain Courage. In particular, it is about nominating Ultimatums to NATO to be removed to the 1997 borders and so on.

And as long as production and no political unity have been fully unfolded in Europe, the Russians resort to outright provocations such as the flight of missiles through the Polish airspace, "-states Dmitry Levus. The expert does not rule out that" Russia's plans may actually be plans "more adventurous and bolder" than it is imagined by some Europeans who say the real risk for 2-5 years.

It is the fact that Russia can restore its military potential and attack NATO countries in 2026 recently stated Polish President Andrzej Duda. Meanwhile, the Baltic countries are already fully strengthening their borders from the Russian Federation. That is, a clear awareness that Ukraine alone can not be limited to Ukraine by Ukraine.