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Russia overtook Ukraine in the sphere of the IP, began to attack at night and co...

Night drones, Shahd C 4G, In vain Reb: Interview with Sergei Flash about the situation in the war

Russia overtook Ukraine in the sphere of the IP, began to attack at night and could turn the situation in its favor through machine vision. The Ukrainians have lost half a year, but can still make up. Military expert Sergei Flesh told focus how to do it. For almost two years, war with the Russian aggressor has been going on in Ukraine.

During the summer counter -offensive, the Armed Forces failed to overcome the defense of the enemy and displace it from the occupied territories, and now there is a lively arms race on both sides.

What technologies the enemy is introducing on the battlefield just now and how to deal with them - the Ukrainian serviceman, communication specialist, radio electronic struggle and intelligence Sergey Beskrestnov, better known under the pseudonym "Flash" told about it in the first part of the interview with them in the first part .

What new technologies that are dangerous for Ukraine are launched by Russia? What has changed on the fronts? - The most important innovation in the Russian army in recent weeks is the night FPV-arose that have begun to attack defense forces. At night, the fronts are the main activity: rotation of personnel, evacuation of the wounded, transportation of ammunition, movement of equipment, etc.

Therefore, when the Russians began to attack us at night, we managed to grab the most critical objects and events, we were not ready for it. Now, in response, we also went to the tactics of night attacks and increase the number of drones. This is what has changed right now in the FPV application. The Russians began to attack us with night FPV-Drons, for this purpose in China, thousands of night vision cameras were ordered.

Why did Ukrainian intelligence not bring it to all the Armed Forces: guys, get ready, night drones will fly on all fronts? We learned about this postfactum . . . How long ago the night FPVrons appeared, how massively they are used and are there any ways to protect ourselves? - In principle, the idea of ​​installing a night vision tool is not new on FPV, but it is twice. Therefore, both sides used such night technologies, but rarely. The reason was only in price.

The first on the conveyor was the night drones of the Russians, purchasing a party of night cameras in China (about a thousand). It turned out to be very effective and they continued the FPV mass production for night attacks. In the last three weeks, it has become literally a nightmare for us, very many nightmare attacks. A special problem is attacks on our boats and boats, which are crossed at night across the Dnieper in the south.

In terms of protection, these drones are also vulnerable to the HR, as well as Danny. They have one advantage - night vision. The types of night vision can be divided into three parts: do Russians use drones with machine vision? - The Russians use similar systems, but on the side not to determine what this type of guidance is happening, we can see it only by Russian rollers from the first person (operator).

In general, for example, by trophy "lancets" and their hardware content, by blocks that are inside, we understand that this is an opportunity. In addition, it was implemented hardware from the very beginning of the existence of "Lancet", we have long found Nvidia Jetson blocks there, that is, they have invested such technologies in advance, and now they were programmatically brought to use.

It is worth noting that we are more afraid of the use of machine vision not in "lanceti", but in FPV-ames-it will completely turn the war in this direction. Ukrainians also conduct such developments, and I do not want the Russians to be ahead of this. Machine vision has nothing to do with artificial intelligence, although many confuse these terms. That is, unmanned machinery complexes are not able to recognize goals and understand what the objects in front of them.

In machine view, a very simple task, the operator highlights a square, from the point of view of the machine - it is just a set of pixels that meet some criteria, and requires it to keep it in focus. The drone does not matter what is there: a tank or some other target, it just flies to the specified object. This is done quite simple methods and increases the cost of the drone by about $ 300-500, but given that the night vision (or thermal imager) camera costs as much, it is a small rise in price.

What is dangerous drones with machine vision? - The first- machine vision will neutralize the Qupols, because the drone is enough to fly at great height to the target and from there the operator will bring it to the object. The apparatus itself will fly to the target, regardless of what "trenches" the remedies will be used on the ground. The second and the most globious is to reduce the requirements for the preparation of FPV-oules operators.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to find and prepare the pilot, months. The pilot no longer needs to be ace, a master, now he has enough basic knowledge to fly up, bring the drone to the goal, mark this purpose, his task ends, then the machine vision system will bring the drone to the technique that needs to be impressed. The third is automatic support of objects. This will allow you to more accurately impress the moving equipment.

The fourth - the range of flights will increase, because you no longer need to be afraid of radio loss and image when UAV is reduced. These four things will completely turn the course of the war in terms of FPV-auctions.

And the same technologies are likely to use drones that fly to Russia, because when the Russians are completely closed by a rebel and it will not be possible to navigate our drones that fly to Moscow, you will have to invent some technologies to navigate the area: find some orientations: Bring the drone by the picture. Last week, photos and the first details of the appearance of Shahd drones with 4G mods appeared.

What are the special drones and can they fight them? - We feared it and knew that sooner or later such a moment would come, so when the military found the SIM card of "Kyivstar" and the modem of Alcatle inside Shahd, this only confirmed our previous hypotheses. Of course, we explored both the SIM card and modem. We can also track the SIM card and modem if other cards were used. The enemy understands it all.

If we are massively attacked by ShahED with such management, then we will have two options for choosing. Either you have to disconnect the entire mobile network during each anxiety that will cause collapse (this cannot be done), or come up with methods and measures to identify such drones (modems). Many people write their idea on the Internet: you just need to turn off all the "fast moving" phones. If everything was so simple . . . .

specifically this SIM card was purchased more than a year ago with other cards, it was in Russia, used in certain modems. ShahED flew with a SIM card all over Ukraine, flew to the central part, then turned and flew to the west where it was beaten. When we looked at other SIM cards, we found that the Russians still launched drones with such devices in Ukraine, they just did not happen to us. Are there any technology to fight such ShahED? - Yes, there is.

First of all, where we start-this is the development, let's say, mathematical and analytical methods of combating these cards. That is, if we are massively attacked by Shahd with such management, then we will have two options for choice. Either you have to disconnect the entire mobile network at every alarm that will cause collapse (this cannot be done), or come up with methods and measures to identify such drones (modems).

Many people write their idea on the Internet: you just need to turn off all the "fast moving" phones. If everything was so simple . . . . The Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny named the means of radio electronic struggle with the key to victory in the "war of drones" and noted that Russia was ahead of Ukraine in this area. How do the Russians improve their HR technologies? Are there any new systems? - Globally, the technologies of the I Republic of Russia do not change.

It is worth explaining that the EW is a very broad concept. In short, they are the suppression of communication, they are varied: against satellite systems, television, radio stations, mobile communications, Wi-Fi, is against work in short waves, where tactical aviation and morphlotine of the Russian Federation, and everything in the world operates . Now, when we say "Reb", in 99% of cases we mean means working on unmanned aircraft because they are the most relevant problem on the fronts.

Here we divide the rb into the following categories: by scale you can divide the IEC into two categories. The first includes large stationary (or mobile) complexes that are mounted on machines, move and have high power. The second type is the "trenches" of the rb that our boys use directly on the fronts, it includes anti -Drontical rifles, domes from FPV and more. These are low -power systems, aimed at performing tactical tasks by units.

Earlier, the task of "small trenches" Reb, especially antitrone rifles, was directed mainly against DJI Mavic drones so that they could not drop ammunition and reconnaissance. Now they are directed against FPV-oules, because they suffer from all and everywhere, they are flying a huge number. The mirror war on both sides-in Russia are the same engineers as ours, just as developed by both EW and FPV. The technology war is endless.

As soon as we saturate our units on the fronts of the Reb domes, the enemy changes the frequencies of our drones, and our complexes are losing relevance. In the same way, the Russians do. Their "wavelets" and "newts", dome protection systems for equipment and personnel, are now working at standard frequencies, at which most Ukrainian FPV flies. We will change the frequency of management, they will also change the frequency of their HR.

FPV-sides use ready-made Chinese modules, they have a standard set of radio frequencies, widely allowed in the world for use. Therefore, all FPV technologies operate at such basic frequencies, but as soon as the EBE appears at these standard frequencies, you need to go new. Now in many sections of the front it is no longer possible to fly drones at standard frequencies. Other modules and antennas must be used to change the working frequencies.

If the Russians change frequencies, then all the purchased complexes of the EW will be "multiplied by zero" and simply lose their effectiveness, you will have to buy new ones. Is it possible to modify existing QS complexes to suppress new drones? - When it comes to a small or "trenched" remedy of the Reb, it cannot be upgraded because everything works in a ligament.

Unfortunately, Chinese modules, which are built by the majority of EWS complexes, can not cover a wide range to close three ranges, three modules are required, and therefore three antennas are required. They can only be replaced or supplemented with other blocks. It would seem that now it is worth thinking about it in advance and closing frequencies for the future, but then the Ukrainian military will have to buy complexes three times more expensive.

However, it is not the fact that the Russians will go to these frequencies, not others. When we talk about more serious car -based complexes, they make a wider range of frequency to suppress directly from the plant. It is clear that technologies are more serious there, but these machines cost "millions" of dollars. Currently, all the "domes" that are produced are protected by no more than 40%, but rather even less.

The percentage is so low, because there are different protocols, different skills in Russian pilots. Someone flies from a kilometer, someone flies with seven . . . Someone uses directed antennas, some amplifiers, one of the pilots is able to feel "domes" and find vulnerabilities in them. In some sections of the front, the dome reb helps 100% - five FPV flew and five fells, and others - everyone hit.

Unfortunately, we cannot say that the "trenches" of the Reb became a panacea - it is only partial protection. Our boys understand this, but they want something, at least some chance of defense. If the Russians change frequencies, then all the purchased complexes of the EW will be "multiplied by zero" and simply lose their effectiveness, you will have to buy new ones.

Now we and the Russians are flying at the range of 860-930 MHz, but everyone indicates that it is possible to move or lower-to a plot of 700-860 MHz, or higher, at 960-1020 MHz. When we give a military choice: either buy a "dome" for now for $ 1,000, or buy for the future for $ 4,000 - it will buy for 1000. No one is ready to invest extra 400% in what will happen then.

If a year and a half ago we went with the Russians in parallel, now, according to my estimation, we are behind them for about six months. Just because we have lost a year in terms of introducing new technologies, including the creation of machine vision and other systems that are being made in Russia.

What can be done now to get ahead of the Russians in the field of ROB? - "Strizh" and other Russian complexes were developed 5-10 years ago, this is not done in a year, and now manufacturers simply supply them to the military. It is worth making an excursion into history, because many say, they say, in Russia there are cool drones, and we do not have. Let's look at production in Russia. Special Technological Center from St.

Petersburg, which is making Orlans, has been created in 2002 and has been working for 20 years. Zala Aero Corporation, which makes shock "lancets", created 20 years ago. Izhevsky Izhneftemash plant, which makes SuperCam, 20 years ago. The factories that make the remedies of the ERB, too, about 20 years ago. That is, Russia has been engaged in these technologies for 20 years, and we try to catch up with them in a year with a destroyed economy, logistics, with a shortage of funds and experts.

To solve such tasks, the issue of finance is secondary, the greatest need is people. It is necessary to create a design bureau, it takes years to pick up the staff, save it and motivate it. The Russians make their "eagles" and "lanceotes" in large numbers and their modifications simply because they are ready, there are people, investments, established processes, developed schemes.

It is easier for them to produce already existing technologies and improve the same Shahd, because they have competent design bureaus, logistics and more. I think, first of all, in Ukraine it is necessary to create a "rate of scientists", it is possible to call them engineering geniuses of the country, which will counteract the Russian Federation.

We want to convey this question to the President, because now nothing is happening in this direction - we can, we ohat, that the Russians have cool technologies. And now we must instantly respond to everything they do and instantly develop counter -commissions. We need to gather the country's best experts in a single brain center that will do this, to motivate these people to create smart ideas, to be creative.

This should be done at Zelensky level, because the team will need all the data of Ukrainian intelligence: that the Russians appear that they have to produce and the power to attract any services and agencies . . . I will give you an example. The Russians began to attack us with night FPV-Drons, for this purpose in China, thousands of night vision cameras were ordered.

Why did Ukrainian intelligence not bring it to all the Armed Forces: guys, get ready, night drones will fly on all fronts? We have learned this postfactum, although it is not secret military information, there are a dozen such factories in China, it is enough to have some Chinese who whispers about the procurement of Russia. And perhaps the intelligence has conveyed, and someone ignored, but there is a fact.

Currently, a team of scientists, who is ready to invent something quickly, will give tasks to other teams of engineers, and they will already think about how to make or introduce technology that the components need, where to order them, may be launched in Ukraine or abroad. The state funding of all these projects is also required. If a year and a half ago we went with the Russians in parallel, now, according to my estimation, we are behind them for about six months.