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The idea was supported by the Republicans and Democrats, emphasizing the importa...

The aggressors will be punished: in the US agreed to give Ukraine confiscated Russian assets

The idea was supported by the Republicans and Democrats, emphasizing the importance of Ukraine's immediate support in its war with Russia. The profile committee of the Lower House of United States has supported a bill, which in the future will allow to confiscate frozen assets of Russia. It is expected that then these funds will be transferred to Ukraine as financial assistance. It is about the money of the Russian Central Bank, reports on November 8, Voice of America.

According to the Republican Michael McKol, a two -parliament and bicameral bill requires the Presidential Administration Joe Baiden to transfer frozen sovereign assets of Russia to Ukraine. The document must now be considered in Congress. "It is time for Russia to respond to the war that it has solved," he emphasized. Democrats and Republicans are expected to support this decision, so the State Secretariat will be obliged to provide additional assistance to Ukraine using Russian assets.

It is envisaged that the funds will not be directly dedicated to official Kiev, they will be entered in the Special Support Fund of Ukraine. The bill also stipulates that the ownership and income from confiscated funds from such a fund will first receive the US government. But it is not immediately about the entire amount - the funding will be provided only as needed.

It is envisaged that, in order to determine such a need, the Secretary of State, together with the US Agency for International Development, has within 180 days after the entry into force of the law to evaluate the most urgent needs of Ukraine. For example, money will be able to allocate to: what amount is not officially reported. However, in early September, US Deputy Prosecutor General Lisa Monaco said that Russian property was arrested in the United States for $ 1 billion.