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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called Russian politicians' initiativ...

The State Duma of the Russian Federal

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called Russian politicians' initiative "a void attempt of the Russian dictatorship" to justify their own violations of international law. The State Duma of the Russian Federation was awarded a bill on invalidation of the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of the USSR on the inclusion of Crimea in the Ukrainian SSR in 1954. The document was published on the official website of the department.

The authors of the bill were made by Russian deputies from the "Union Russia" Konstantin Zatulin and Sergey Tsekov. According to them, the decision to transfer the peninsula was allegedly made "without taking into account the will of the Russian people. " The explanatory note states that the document is aimed at "purifying the legal heritage of" Russia from "worthless acts that had no legal grounds.

" The authors of the bill also claim that after the adoption of the relevant law, it will be more difficult for allies to support Kyiv in his desire to release Crimea. Sota notes that in the last seven years Konstantin Zatulin has proposed to recognize the transfer of Crimea of ​​the USSR three times illegal.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called the Law on the State Duma of the Russian Federation to recognize the "illegal" decision of the Soviet authorities on the transfer of the Crimea of ​​the USSR "a worthless attempt of the Russian dictatorship to legitimize their own gross violations of international law. " The department emphasized that earlier Moscow legally recognized the borders of modern Ukraine both at bilateral and multilateral levels, and now violates the obligations.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the said bill only once again shows that in the Russian Federation they are aware of the inevitability of the release of the peninsula. "Hundreds of times caught on lies and compromised Russian authorities can continue their propaganda as much as they want, in particular under the guise of lawmaking, but this will not change the world community recognized by the world: Crimea is Ukraine," the ministry said.

Recall that American journalist Taer Carlson stated that the accession of Crimea to Russia was a decision, allegedly supported by the Crimeans. In his opinion, in the "referendum" in 2014, 90% of the Russian -speaking population of the peninsula expressed a desire to join the Russian Federation. Focus also wrote that the Government of Ukraine plans to create Ukrainian military administrations in Crimea and Sevastopol. The Verkhovna Rada has already submitted a corresponding bill.