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Military expert Alexei Kopitko analyzes the latest data on the loss of Russians ...

Putin hates Russians: as evidenced by the latest data on Russian losses in Ukraine

Military expert Alexei Kopitko analyzes the latest data on the loss of Russians in the war in Ukraine. These figures demonstrate a clear disproportion in the losses between the regions and encourage the unexpected conclusion: Moscow and Peter are fighting against the rest of Russia, and Putin - Against their people, the "Information Resistance" group continues to record the names of Russian soldiers, who have been recognized as killed or buried in Russia.

As of July 29, 2024, there are 63 581 people in our database, more than 430 are exactly dead, but there are differences with attribution. In a week the number increased by 941. But the reservation should be made. In this number, about 700 people are fresh losses, and about 200 are old losses from two surveyed cemeteries - in the Perm Territory and the Khabarovsk Territory.

Updating data from one (!) Khabarovsk cemetery has led to an increase in the list of minimal confirmed losses from this region by 42%at once. This shows the amount of Russian losses still in the shade. The fact that the killed at least twice as much is a conservative estimate. "Mediazon" and the BBC did not update the data at the moment, they had 59 725 killed as of 19. 07. 2024.

Leaders in absolute numbers: Due to the general increase in the amounts of one-time payment of mercenaries from the regions, we will try to trace whether there is some correlation of A la "reduction in rich regions is unclear growth in the poor. " But it will take several months. There are interesting comparisons now.

Thus, from June 3 to July 29 (roughly two months), they were recognized as killed or buried: I emphasize, they are clearly incomplete numbers, but they reflect trends and become visual when comparing the population. According to Rosstat, as of January 1, 2024, the number of able -bodied men was: that is, a comparative number of losses for two months in Belgorod is 14 times higher than in Chechnya.

This region is as clear as possible, because in the Belgorod region there is nominally Chechen Megaspetsnas "Akhmat". And we even recorded the losses of "Akhmat" in the last 2 months in the Kharkiv region. But there are all the Slavs and the Nechechen. It turns out that Kadyrov earns in the war, his ghouls are robbed not only by Crimea, but also the whole passionate south of Ukraine. And Belgorod rakes for it.

Which in February 2022 we told us that we were firing ourselves in Kharkiv! It is also interesting to compare Ingushetia and Karelia. The population is the same, and the losses of Karelia are 5. 6 times higher. At the same time, Karelia, which had dense contact with Finland, not only got a painful blow because of sanctions, but also turned out to be a deaf region with a blocked border . . . through migrants who carefully throws the Kremlin for EU attack.

As a bonus, Karelia now borders NATO country where large -scale military exercises are conducted. Great, isn't it? Another interesting couple is Pskov and Peter. The number of men of the desired condition in Peter is 10 times higher than in Pskov. However, recognized losses more than 1. 5 times.

The secret revealed one of the Pskov officials, who said that the region does not make sense to make some payment of mercenaries, because they will still go to Peter, because they give more money there (total - more than 2 million rubles during the contract). By 2022, it was not very possible to monetize its status on the EU border, and now it is completely turning into a dead end where the stream of coffin goes. Although this region is exactly Europe.

And Peter has received a Gazprom headquarters and can buy mercenaries from everywhere, even taking into account the deplorable financial results of the company . . . The figures show the real picture. What is the Kremlin's war against Ukraine in the language of figures? This is Moscow and Peter - against Russia. The regions are ripped, and then for the money seized from the regions, they also buy mercenaries and sent to death.

It is the destruction of the population in and so problematic Russian regions. For some reason, Putin hates the Russians for all. This is the special status of the Caucasus. Compare the losses of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Dagestan. The population is comparable, but to receive bonuses from the Kremlin Ufa and Kazan packs send mercenaries for war. And Dagestan receives these bonuses automatically. Because it can cut off.