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The G7 countries have reported a loan of $ 50 billion to Ukraine secured by arre...

To use Russian capital: whether the event is ready to transfer frozen assets of the Russian Federation to Ukraine

The G7 countries have reported a loan of $ 50 billion to Ukraine secured by arrested Russian assets. However, the very amount of frozen assets of the Russian Federation is still located in several Western countries. When will the partners of Ukraine be able to transfer these funds and what purposes can they be used? The G7 countries have reported $ 50 billion in Ukraine. It is a loan that should be serviced at the expense of income from frozen Russian assets.

"Given that after the Fed rates and ECB rises, Russian immobilized assets bring about $ 5 billion a year, the amount of 50 billion is determined with a stock, so the agreement is quite real and win -win for creditors. Ukraine will receive a conditional free loan, and creditors are absolute Credit funds, since assets that are a source of guarantee of loan service are under their control. In his opinion, the G7 decision creates the precedent of confiscation of the assets of the aggressor.

So far, it is about income from these assets, but from a legal point of view in confiscation there is no difference between confiscation of income from assets and assets themselves, and this position has been officially confirmed by Euroclear officials.

"Therefore, this precedent seems to be pushed by the EU to confiscate Russian assets, it is very important because in the US and Canada the issue of confiscation of Russian assets has already been resolved at the legislative level and in the EU yet. In 2025, Ukraine will defend, step off, compensate for the loss of war to its citizens in fact at the expense of the aggressor country.

The geopolitical paradox, but also greatly weakens the Russian Federation and the very ideology of war, ”says Vitaliy Shapran. He adds that the more damage will be caused by Ukraine, the less assets the Russian Federation itself remains and the more likely it is that the Allies will search for Russian unofficial funds - those funds that were stolen by the Putin team in Russian state corporations and banks.

Answering the questions of complete and irreversible confiscation of Russian assets in Western powers, the expert reported that the countries of the West have already gone to the US and Canada legislation, but there are difficulties in the EU, mainly because of the destructive position of Hungary and the double game of individual ECB officials, They are not so much evading Ukraine's assistance as they are frightened by alone with the legal risks after such compensation.

The G7 decision leads to the fact that most of 2025 Ukraine will defend, step off, offset the losses from the war to its citizens actually at the expense of the aggressor country "requires an EU joint position, and the EU political decision on the confiscation of assets of the Russian Federation. and EUROCLEAR from possible legal risks that will reduce the EU resistance as a whole.

Ukraine, but also for those businessmen from Europe and the US who have lost funds from Russian aggression, "the expert said. Earlier, Focus wrote that the G7 decision to allocate $ 50 billion to Ukraine secured by frozen Russian assets was quite expected. The G7 countries will actually provide Ukraine with a loan that will be repaid at the expense of a profit from about $ 280 billion blocked by the Russian Federation, most of which are in Europe.