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57-year-old defender of Ukraine Igor Krupnov became the first person in Ukraine ...

The prostheses were used directly into the bones - the story of the incredible courage of the Afghan and the Military Armed Forces

57-year-old defender of Ukraine Igor Krupnov became the first person in Ukraine to whom unique prosthetics according to the method of otto-integration. On the front, the man came across an anti -tank mine, losing both limbs, so Australian doctors decided to use prosthetic implants directly to the bone, returning the opportunity to walk. As he got to the war, he was injured, and as he feels now, Igor Krupnov told focus in his unique story.

Igor - a war veteran in Afghanistan, served in a special purpose unit. He was engaged in a large -scale invasion of his own business in the Dnieper - built swimming pools. The man confesses that after the Orange Revolution, it became clear that Russia would not break away from Ukraine, so the Great War has become a matter of time. "I have been watching politics since 2004, when the presidential elections took place and I chose Yushchenko.

I then stood on the democratic forces, tracked the political events of the country quite tightly, and saw Russia's influence on our policies. I did not like this vector very much. As for the beginning of the war in February 2024, the anxiety was already hung in the air. And I believed that the likelihood of the attack was very high. But I still hoped that the Russians would not dare to do so, ”Krupnov says.

The military explains that after the Great War, the decision to volunteer to the front was ripe almost immediately. "The wife decided to go abroad to my daughter. I spent my wife to the border and then returned and immediately turned to a military enlistment office," the husband recalls. After studying at the Yavoriv landfill, in May 2022, Igor Krupnov was south. It was already very hot. "The advantage of the enemy in artillery was felt very strongly. The parity of forces was approximately 1 to 5.

Approximately the same was the advantage of the enemy and the intensity of shelling. We also also responded to the enemy, but worked only on" fatty "goals where there was a cluster of equipment. Our unit He was engaged in adjusting the fire using UAV, - says the military. - We were opposed by Russian paratroopers and these were contractors, it was not mobilized. Therefore, we felt that they were not any amateurs there.

They made mistakes, but it should be noted that they are very They are buried, they had very powerful armor, trenches. " However, last November, the situation in the south changed radically. The Antonov Bridge was damaged, the enemy's logistics was cut off from the rear and the Russians began to retreat. The Armed Forces came, and Igor Krupnov, as part of his unit. "And these were very exciting moments. We went to the settlements where our people were, and they were very pleased with our arrival.

And it was not some production. There were both tears of joy and very warm greetings. And they were immediately treated with homemade food: borscht, fried potatoes. We felt a very warm attitude of people in these free territories, "the military recalls. However, during the counter -offensive, the man was seriously injured. "The car I was traveling on a minefield. We drove on a civilian SUV and worked at once two anti -tank mines under the left and right wheel.

The car flew and landed on the roof after 10 meters and then broke out. It was very good. They did not lock, opened, and I was pulled out of the car, provided first aid, put the turnstiles, " - says Krupnov. Anti -tank mines were encountered in Afghanistan. "I also blasted it twice, but was blown on a armored personnel carrier, and it was not so painful compared to when you blow up on a civilian jeep. I had no physical damage after that, except the contusion," the military adds.

After the injury, Igor was taken to the hospital of Nikolaev. The man confesses that doctors were not able to keep the limbs. "Because there was already a gangrene on one leg and there were no questions there. The other leg was still trying to keep, but then it turned out that there was no chance and it was necessary to amputate both legs. That is, at first there was one amputation, then another, then a few more reammen To stabilize the healing process of wounds.

There were 9 operations in total, "the man explains. The military says that in the first period after the wounded tight, which remained alive, so he was not "bitten" by his hard thoughts, and then . . . "I rejoiced what I see outside the window of my ward: the sun, snow, people, saw life. It inspired me. But then the time came when I really thought: well, what was it in life without feet? But I felt the support of my wife, family, friends, and Afghan brothers who supported me every day.

I think, I think, I think, I think What that supported me in those difficult days when I felt such depression, "the defender adds. The time of prosthetics came. "I saw in the department as the guys who first went on carts and then went to prostheses and went, and then discharged to civilian life, some even returned to the front. I realized that, just a little different quality of life I would have.

I will not run a marathon in my life, and I will not jump with a parachute, but everything in your head: everything you think, then you will definitely achieve. However, the first experience of walking on ordinary prostheses for Igor was not very successful. In a peaceful life before the Great War, the man ran marathons, and after the wound could not be overcome on prostheses and 100 meters. "You won't call it. This is the movement with the help of walkers.

And it was more like jumping, apparently than walking. The feelings were very painful. I went 70 meters one way for one walk, 5 minutes on rest, and then 70 meters back to the ward. It is a record. And almost no control. It was very difficult to keep the balance. One day I fell in the workout. But at one moment everything changed hard. An orthopedist-traumatologist from Australia Muned Al Muderis, who specialized in osteointegration operations, came to Ukraine.

This is a prosthetics method when some of the prosthesis is consumed directly into the cyst and then the artificial foot is adjusted. With such prostheses, a person can even distinguish surfaces under artificial feet. Our hero was also offered such an operation. "As far as I know, such proposals were made by many, but not everyone agreed, because for Ukraine it is an experiment," the man explains. However, Igor still dared to 10 osteointegration operation.

"Two days after surgery, the doctor said," Come on, rise to your feet, to these implants. " my feet. I felt on my feet and felt… the surface. It's a feeling that I had forgot . Currently, Igor Krupnov is actively learning to walk on new feet "I do not put the records, but according to my estimates, I go about 3 kilometers a day. Now I plan to go to the market on foot. It's somewhere a kilometer in one way. I don't want to drive at the wheel, I want Take a walk on foot, "the man says.