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The influx of people in the Armed Forces after the entry into force of the law o...

Quantity will kill quality. As a law on mobilization will affect the level of preparation in the Armed Forces

The influx of people in the Armed Forces after the entry into force of the law on mobilization will cause two problems: overflow of training centers and accelerated training programs. The Command of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces assured that any number of soldiers can be taught, but the focus interviewed by the combat commanders insisted on increasing the time and quality of preparation of recruits.

The effect of the law on mobilization provides for the filling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with new personnel. Many mobilized require a quality level of preparation. The Ukrainian military is studying both abroad and in Ukraine, but some politicians are talking about reducing the time of training. "Mobilized where they are sent to? To training centers. As a rule, it should be two months [preparation].

Now, as far as I know, they are reduced to a month and a half," - said MP Valentin Nalyvaichenko. The reasons for accelerating programs are large influxes and lack of training centers. In Europe, unprofessional military was never taught: NATO member states have always selected professionals in specialization. For example, a recruiter without experience will not serve F-16 fighters-it requires education, service in the air forces and knowledge of language.

"The lie detector must be passed so that it is not a Russian agent to send there," Nalyvaychenko added. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine refuted the words of the People's Deputy to reduce the timing of the preparation of the mobilized. Everything happens in accordance with the legislation: basic general military-30 days and professional depending on the military accounting specialty-from 14 to 50 days.

Further, the mobilized is waiting for collective preparation for up to 15 days, specified in the ministry. The commander of the Armed Forces Command Command, Major General Viktor Nikolyuk, at the end of January 2024, argued that the Armed Forces training centers would prepare any number of soldiers on the task of the authorities. According to him, Ukraine has accumulated combat experience and is ahead of the North Atlantic Union for several years.

"500 thousand, 100 thousand, 200 thousand - as it will be determined by the Law on mobilization, we are ready. We are constantly holding appropriate measures, service meetings, which specify the actual capabilities of training centers and the real state of the instructional staff, because much is involved in the areas of combat execution Tasks, "the Major General explained.

In a conversation with Focus, the commander of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces Igor Lutsenko noted that the term of preparation of recruits in the training centers of his unit is at least 35 days and is not planned to reduce it. During this time, the military acquires basic skills: shooting, digging trenches and movement in the area. The preparation of mobilized includes classes in all -military disciplines and fees with firing combat patrons at landfills.

"We have not heard about the reduction of preparation, we did not receive these discharges. In the conditions of the Great War with the Russian Federation, on the contrary we need to increase the terms of training. The problem in different quality of combat practice, and in the conditions of total mobilization, its quality will suffer even more," he explains. Airborne assault troops (DShV) are down to 800-900 cartridges for the course, other units-less.

In the mouth of Lutsenko, the level of naplil as in the units of DShV, and in some centers the norm - up to three horns, in one of which up to 30 rounds, he adds. Special training needs even more attention and often the units themselves teach recruits that have not been obtained in training centers. Drone operators in the Achilles UAV battalion as part of the 92nd OSHBs undergo several stages to perform combat missions independently.

After mobilization, civilians pass the month of general infantry training, they are taught the basics of military affairs: what are weapons and means of communication, how to use them. Special skills of drones pilot are acquired in a period of 30 to 45 days - it all depends on the controlled means, explains the focus of the battalion commander Yuriy Fedorenko. "A night bomber management takes a month and a lelek -type reconnaissance drone. Up to 45 days. If no exams are passed, we give extra time.

Further, the military is sent to the unit, and for seven days it is waiting for combat coordination. After a soldier, they put in the department and They give 30 days to workout UAV plaque in the rear conditions. Those who have undergone training give a direction with low intensity of fighting, and after a while they perform combat missions independently. Sacrifice engineers, communications and drivers take 30 days of preparation and 30-special.

The minimum period from mobilization to combat missions is 2 months, and the maximum is up to 3. 5 months. According to Fedorenko, no one plans to reduce the number of days for study. "We are interested in the exceptionally prepared people to carry out combat missions. So efficiency is achieved, the lives of people and the equipment we are fighting," Fedorenko summed up. Recall that in Ukraine there is a law on mobilization of prisoners.