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The State Department's representative refused to inform when the ban was lifted ...

The United States has shot a ban on the Azov Brigade, - The Washington Post

The State Department's representative refused to inform when the ban was lifted and the American weapon had already been received to Azov. US Presidential Administration Joe Baiden made a ban on the supply of weapons to the 12th Special Purpose Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine. About it writes The Washington Post. "After a thorough study of the 12th Special Purpose Brigade" Azov ", a check was underwent, conducted by the US State Department," the material reads.

This refers to the "Law of the Likh", which prohibits the provision of US military assistance to foreign units, which, according to the available data, have committed serious violations of human rights. It is named after the former senator of Patrick Lihi, who wrote this law. The US State Department has not found any evidence of such violations by Azov. The State Department's representative refused to inform when the ban was lifted and the American weapon had already been received to Azov.

Now the Azov Brigade, once a volunteer formation, which in 2015 was part of the National Guard of Ukraine, will have access to the same military assistance from the United States as any other unit. The publication notes that about ten years ago, Azov was banned from the use of US weapons, as US officials decided that some of its founders were allegedly professing racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views, and UN human rights staff accused a group of humanitarian rights.