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The reactors of Ukrainian nuclear power plants are able to withstand rocket atta...

The apocalypse will not be: what threat is the strikes of the Russian Federation by Ukrainian NPPs - analysis

The reactors of Ukrainian nuclear power plants are able to withstand rocket attack even with the use of nuclear warheads, but there is a threat of blows to the NPP distribution units. At the recent meeting of the UN Security Council, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the possible plans of Russia to attack nuclear power plants (NPPs) of Ukraine. The issue of the safety of critical nuclear infrastructure has become especially relevant on the eve of winter.

Military expert Petro Chernik commented on this threat and assessed real risks. According to the expert, the main reactors installed at the Ukrainian NPP-VVER-1000 (water-water-water reactors) have a high degree of protection against external influences, including rocket strokes. The thickness of the reactor casing was specially designed to take into account potential attacks, even with the use of small kilotonic nuclear weapons.

"In order to punch a casing, and a serious explosion at the NPP has occurred in the middle, it is necessary to lay thousand tons of explosives in the middle. And if you beat the top, on the casing of the reactor, for example, the Caliber rocket with a combat part of 250-400 kg, or x- 101, or X-55, or even X-47m2 "Dagger" (combat units of these missiles range from 300 to 500 kg-ed. ), They are incapable of punching it, "-explained Chernik.

Although the VVER-1000 reactors are reliably protected, the expert continued, there is another threat-strokes along the NPP switchgear and transmission substations that play a key role in the safe operation of stations. Attacks on these facilities can cause power supply to disconnect, which will lead to a forced suppression of reactors.

The Chernik said that in the event of an accident, the reactors are adhered in such a way that the molten active material will fall into special containers under the reactors, which will prevent the explosion and release of radiation. These security systems have been developed taking into account the experience of past nuclear catastrophes such as Chernobyl and Fukushima accident. Chernik also commented on the probable use of tactical nuclear weapons by the enemy.

According to the expert, the Russian missile complex "Iskander" can be equipped with a nuclear warhead with a capacity of up to 500 kt, and the winged missiles X-102 and X-101-to one megaton. However, the likelihood of such a scenario is extremely small, he believes, as it will create a precedent for the use of nuclear weapons, which will cause a serious reaction of the international community. "It can be very unpleasant and painful, but in my opinion, there will be no catastrophe.