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Russia is abducted in the occupation of Ukrainian citizens, calling them interna...

The collaborators did not go. As the Russian Federation delays Ukrainians in occupation and is about to judge

Russia is abducted in the occupation of Ukrainian citizens, calling them international terrorists, and is about to judge Rostov-on-Don and Moscow. The focus spoke with the relatives of those who were abducted by Russia. Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russia has stolen and exported hundreds of citizens of Ukraine to its territory. Among them are residents of the southern regions; Kherson, Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv.

Among them are activists, journalists, former servicemen, representatives of local authorities. The units have been found and released shortly after detention, the majority still remains hostage. Some have already been taken to the territory of the occupied Crimea, others were transported to the Russian Federation. They are hidden in detention centers and colonies. Many families can only guess where their relatives are.

Sergey Tsygip is a well -known activist and volunteer, writer and journalist from New Kakhovka, Kherson region, ATO veteran. When the Russian army occupied Kherson region, he and his family stayed in the city. He told reporters about the accumulation of military equipment, in particular in residential areas, the introduction of a curfew. He himself engaged in volunteering. "There are many friends in Ukraine and beyond in Ukraine and beyond, everyone wanted to help.

Sergei received medicines and food, distributed those who needed they needed," said Sergei Tsygip's wife. In the morning, March 12, the Tsygip left the house with his dog, went to the neighboring area of ​​Tavriya - carried help, but disappeared. The next day, Elena went to his route, but everything she could know - Sergei did not reach Tavriy.

At that moment, both Elena and Sergei already knew that in the occupied new Kakhovka, the occupiers and collaborators made a list of active citizens and former servicemen, began to come home, make searches, remove mobile phones and other equipment, and delay people. "So we tried to escape," Olena continues. "But Sergius had to go online and talk through the phone, so he was always looking for a place where there was a connection, and he was no longer everywhere.

So the man moved from the inhabited point to another, sometimes he had to cross Russian posts. And on one of them on March 12 he was detained. We found witnesses who saw the moment of detention and what was checked by the phone. " Elena personally went to the so -called local executive committee, where she met with the so -called Acting Mayor of New Kakhovka Vladimir Leontiev.

She was told there: Sergei, they are not tortured, they are not bullied, but he is "too uncomfortable", so he will continue to be detained, and his wife was refused in contact with him. The dog, which was with Sergei Tsygip, was later found in the yard of the Executive Committee. As she found herself, no one was able to explain. After a while, an interview with Sergiy Tsygip appeared on one of the Russian TV channels.

He was presented as a "senior officer of the Special Operations forces of the Armed Forces" and added that he was "in Russia. " According to his wife, the video showed that Sergius was bullied - she suggested, at that moment he had a broken hand and possibly the ribs. On March 19, it became known about the detention of three citizens of Ukraine in the Kinburn Spit in the Nikolaev area - a strategic site for Russians, which they used for shelling of Ochakov.

Among the detainees is the employee of the National Nature Park "Svyatoslav" Sergey Leibak. "Sergiy - ATO participant. In December 2021, he ended a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, so he got a job in the National Nature Park. When the man was detained, I did not immediately learn about it - because -says Christina, the wife of a 35-year-old resident of the village of Pokrovsky Farm Sergei Leibak. Even after detention, she managed to leave the occupation to Nikolaev.

Christina says she applied to the International Committee of the Red Cross. "I was told," Your husband is in prison, feels great. "I asked where he was being held, but I was told that they couldn't say that," she said. Christina Leibak is actively looking for a man - she is watching social networks every day. During one of these "monitoring" she noticed a photo of her husband. On it he kept a plate with his name in his hands. He was called prisoners of war in the post.

The video was also seen by 48-year-old Yuri Yevchenko-a former security worker of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Border Service. It was detained in March 2022 in Kherson. According to Anna's niece, Russian soldiers came home in civilian, searched for weapons. For a long time, the relatives also did not know where Yevchenko was kept.

At the end of August, they received a letter given by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross: "He wrote that everything is well and" in the Russian Federation. " From the aforementioned video, Yevchenko also learned that he is associated with a "one business" with the case of former mayor of Kherson Vladimir Mykolaenko - they say, they were two representatives of the Kherson Territorial Defense forces.

Volodymyr Mykolaenko in 2014-2020 was the mayor of Kherson, but ahead of schedule. After that, he was not engaged in politics. During the occupation of Kherson Mykolaenko detained the Russians. This, according to Marina's wife, after her husband refused to cooperate with the invaders several times - he was offered a "position" in the occupying power. Such proposals were made by a local collaborator Cyril Stremousov. One of the conversations was heard by his wife.

"Stramousov asked," Why don't you want to communicate with me? ", The man replied that he has nothing to talk about - what is happening, it was unacceptable. Later, Stramousov said," Then - the basement, " - recalls Marina. Stramousov and Mykolaenko. They talked on April 10 or 12, and on April 18, Vladimir left home and did not return in the evening. On the same day he called his wife, spoke Russian. that he was detained.

The native was searched by exmer Kherson, but no information about him was reported. And then Nikolaenko appeared on a video published UNR Army Colonel Roman Shukhevych. Litomin tried to clarify that Shukhevych "fought for Nazi Germany. " "He did not fight on the side of Nazi Germany. He fought for Ukraine," the former mayor said. But the current mayor of Oleksandr Babich for the plots of Russian television in the nine months, which have passed since the detention, was not filmed.

"He was detained on March 28 at 8am, the Russian military arrived home. They went not through our gate, but through the neighbor. We were just talking through the phone, I heard that someone came. And the connection disappeared," says Babich Olga's wife. Shortly before her husband's detention, she and her children left for their occupation. "Then a man's colleague wrote to me that he was brought on a white Mersedes bus with his hands tied to the city council, and from there he was taken to Skadovsk.

By August I did not know whether Alexander is alive or not," Olga continues. She is sure that Alexander Babich was detained because he did not want to cooperate with the invaders. "My husband is the mayor of the bare pier," continues Olga. "Many city and village heads went on cooperation. And he - no. We organized rallies in the city when they believed that someone would protect us. And the Kherson region just handed over. " When The war came, we had no police officer, no defender.

All representatives of these bodies went, left unarmed defenseless people. Alexander had a clear pro -Ukrainian position. Even those residents who did not like him are now waiting for Babich's return. Knowing that it is not today, tomorrow they can come, I did not go anywhere from the city, wanted to be near the people who chose it. Most of the detainees in the south of Ukraine were kept in the occupied territories.

Someone is in unspecified places, for example, in the basements of administrative buildings or even garages, but most are in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or SBU inquiries. "The detainees are most often kept in tight chambers that are not designed for a large number of people. The case is recorded when a woman was kept in one chamber with captive men. Periodically they are brought to" interrogations ", where they are tortured with electric current, water, beaten. Some days.

People suffer from the absence of drinking and sometimes technical water, elementary hygiene. : "Glory to Russia! Glory to Putin! Glory to Shogu! ". The captives record a video for propaganda TV channels. For disobedience - beaten," - says Anastasia Panteleyev, a documentary of the media initiative for human rights. Some of the detainees were transported to the territory of the occupied Crimea.

For example, Alexander Babich was first placed in detention center # 1 of Simferopol and then transferred to detention center # 2. "In fact, there was no second detention center in Simferopol. Along with the current detention facility, there were premises for people who received minimal imprisonment. In fact, it is one institution. But now some of these premises were released to keep the detainees that are called, as they call," Special military operations ".

People who are there do not have a connection with the outside world, they do not allow lawyers, Russia does not confirm their maintenance. They are buried," Panteleyeva says. It is in the pre -trial detention center # 2 that not only the mayor of the bare pier of Alexander Babich, but also the activist Sergei Tsygip. In addition, the Russians brought to Simferopol dozens of civilians on the eve of the retreat of the army of the Russian Federation from the Right Bank of Kherson region.

In particular, from the building of the temporary detention center №1 of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Kherson region (3 Teploenergyi St. ), Roman Ishchenko, a military pensioner from Kherson, was taken out in an unknown direction. His relatives say this. "Roman was abducted from their own house in April - people in military uniform and balaclava came, one in civilian, they took Roman, made a search.

He was first kept in the basement Like dozens of other people, they were taken out of the detention center in an unknown direction. According to unconfirmed information, Roman was transported to the occupied Crimea, "says Ishchenko's wife, Nile. In general, according to human rights activists, in Crimea, 50 to 100 citizens of Ukraine, captured by the Russian army and special services in the occupied territories of Ukraine, can maintain in the Crimea. But Crimea is not the final destination.

For example, the exmermer Kherson Vladimir Mykolaenko and ATO veteran Sergei Leibak have already been transported to the territory of the Russian Federation - to Taganrog of the Rostov region. In addition, it is known that several civilians, which were detained in Melitopol, were transported to the Moscow detention center "Lefortove". Among them are Kung Fu coach Andrei Golubev.

According to his wife, until 2021 he served in the border troops, after the beginning of the occupation, he participated in pro -Ukrainian rallies, expressed his position on social networks, for which he was detained on April 6. "During the detention, they were told if they cooperate with them. They will be released. The overall search of the room was not conducted, especially they were interested in their husband's phone," says Olga Golubeva's wife.

She notes that she saw information about her husband in Ksenia Sobchak's telegrams channel-she mentioned Golubev, saying that he was with a group of people who allegedly wanted to blow up a car, but it failed. "In the middle of summer, I was called by a journalist from Crimea and reported that Andrew was in Simferopol. It was allegedly a meeting, he was given a lawyer. He was accused of" Act of International Terrorism.

" August in Sobchak's telegram-channel again appeared about my husband-it was written that Andrew is a terrorist and extremist, he is threatened with life imprisonment. " It is envisaged by the Russian Federation, whose actions "directed against peaceful citizens (Ukraine and the Russian Federation) in order to violate peaceful coexistence of states and peoples and against the interests of the Russian Federation. " .

In addition, some citizens of Ukraine are accused of counteracting a "special military operation". As, for example, Kherson blogger Irina Gorobtsov. In response to a request from lawyer Emil Kurbedin Ova representatives of the FSB reported that "the face opposed the" special military operation ", after its completion in the territories of" Lugansk, Donetsk Republics "of Ukraine on this person will be made in accordance with the procedure established by law.

" Kurbedinov says: Gorobtsov has not been charged, the court did not choose a measure of restraint, not allowed to meet with a lawyer and relatives. The defender regards the actions of the Russians as "abduction and illegal imprisonment.

" Lawyer, governing partner of the Ambrell Association Andriy Yakovlev says that the practice of Russia is to deprive the liberty of civic on political motives, to persecute the Ukrainian population in the occupied territories "on the grounds of belonging to Ukrainian identity". The process is usually accompanied by a deliberate and gross deprivation of fundamental human rights.