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Olafe, Mr. Chancellor! Denis, Mr. Prime Minister! Dear government representative...

The most clear signal of Russia: Germany, working with Ukraine, believes in peace-a speech of the Head of State at the 6th German-Ukrainian Economic Forum "Recovery, Reasonable Growth and Security"

Olafe, Mr. Chancellor! Denis, Mr. Prime Minister! Dear government representatives, representatives and business representatives of our countries! Ladies and Gentlemen! I am grateful for the next manifestation of our Ukrainian-German unity. During this war, Ukrainian courage has already become a global brand. Most people in the world know Ukraine because of our courage. Similarly, the global brand is German reliability. Germany is known and appreciated for it.

And, by the way, I have repeatedly convinced this - you are a truly reliable state, a reliable partner. I am grateful for your strong support for Ukraine, for our people. I am grateful to the whole people of Germany, grateful to you, Olafe, personally. Thank you for the help that Ukrainians received for their protection. Reliable help! Now, working together, we can combine the best qualities of our peoples and jointly give - Ukraine and Germany - our Europe is a chance to grow. More safety.

More development. More jobs. More opportunities for ordinary families who work, live a decent life. And more power for our continent. I am sure that Ukraine's potential is well known. The government team of Ukraine and the heads of Ukrainian companies, which are now in the forum, will be presented by specific projects and programs in various fields. First of all, I ask you to draw your attention to the defensive sphere in Ukraine - our weapons, equipment, shells we build up.

This is our number one production priority, and some German companies have already started working with us in this area. And we invite everyone else. No less attention is paid by Ukrainian energy, our infrastructure, agricultural production, reconstruction - areas that now, during the war, especially require international cooperation. And which will give a special return to every company that will start working with Ukraine and Ukraine now, until others are only analyzing prospects.

I want to make some security stresses today. The first is aircraft. We are building special relations with the most powerful countries of the world to give our cities a reliable air shield from Russian terror. Of course, among such countries - Germany. Plus we are working on agreements with partners on the joint production of air defense systems. And this is a strategic task - I have no doubt that we are able to implement it. However, it takes time.

So, now, this winter and next year, partners of our air shield support are required. And I am grateful, in particular, Germany for understanding this need. Economic development in the face of such a neighborhood that Ukraine has is a direct reflection of how much we can protect our sky. And it is also a significant argument for our people who are now in Europe, having received shelter: they will return home when the threat of Russian terror decreases.

The second point is the insurance of military risks. We turn to the governments of partner countries, including the German government, to work together with the business of our countries and the introduction of a reliable military risk insurance mechanism. Obviously, such risks are investment. Obviously, having a system of protection against them will be one of the important steps to stop Russian aggression. The Kremlin still hopes for the fatigue of Ukraine's support.

Politically, we provide that there will be no fatigue, at least as if Russia tried to provoke it. Economically, in particular, our cooperation is able to provide it. And the third point is the rethinking of our region and to a large extent - Europe. Russia loses its position in economic relations with Europe, which has been developed over 50 years. This applies to many areas from which Russian companies have already left.

The European business and potential of our countries and neighbors of Europe will replace them - it is inevitable.

Reconstruction in Ukraine after hostilities, the growth of new globally important export centers as the Danube region, our new relations in the East of Europe, including strategic relations with Romania and partnership with Moldova and Turkey, the emergence of industries such as production and operation of combat drones in Ukraine , in particular, the creation of a navy of sea drones, a rethinking of our energy with a bet on a decentralized "green" energy . . .

All this and more are a clear potential for cooperation and growth. I will give only one example that everyone knows in the world - German equipment. This is the best foundation for any economy. It is important to start the flow of German equipment into Ukraine as the basis of the Ukrainian industries, in particular, through the full launch of export credit financing. Is there anything from I said unrealistic? I think no. Is everything economical? So.

And most importantly, this is the case when the economy gives more security. And it requires the most clear signal of Russia, which always pays attention to Germany. Whom Germany works with. Which partners do Germany believe. With whom it shares its reliability and takes something for yourself to become stronger. These are all fundamental things. Let those who started this terrible war see that Germany, working with Ukraine, believes in peace. And peace is approaching as we become stronger together.