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During her visit to the United States, the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska...

Elena Zelenskaya: Our society will come out of war more hardened but also more human - we do everything for it

During her visit to the United States, the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenskaya, visited a social center for people with disabilities and got acquainted with the work of the SEEC organization, where they provide services to people with disabilities of mental and physical development: help young people with employment, socialization and rest.

The president's wife visited the Amandrik family, a girl who receives SEEC services and, despite a serious illness, thanks to the support of the organization, was able to socialize. “Everyone has the right to decent conditions for their lives and development. More than 300,000 Ukrainians have officially received the status of a person with disabilities since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine.

Due to Russian crimes, they become more daily, we must create an inclusive society of equal opportunities for everyone, ”the first lady said. During a roundtable with Seec Executive Director, Karen Lee and the Secretary of Disability of Maryland Krol Bitty, Olena Zelenskaya, spoke about the Ukrainian Barrier Strategy by 2030. “From this year, we have moved to the implementation of all community politicians and norms.

Spaces, transport, services, information should be accessible and inclusive to all residents.   City Councils develop their own action plans. And the first documents have already been approved in more than 200 communities, ”the first lady said. She stressed that successful foreign experience, including employment and support for young people with disabilities, is especially important for Ukraine.