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Given the potential of the China's military-industrial complex, the Russian army...

Military assistance to the occupiers: what weapons of the Russian Federation can get from China - experts (photos)

Given the potential of the China's military-industrial complex, the Russian army can obtain a wide range of weapons-from artillery systems to air defense systems. The UK Defense Minister Grant Shepps during a security conference in London said that US and British intelligence has evidence that China plans to supply or already supplies lethal weapons to Russia. In this regard, Defense Express observers have suggested which weapons could receive Moscow from their eastern neighbor.

The authors of the material noted that China has already experienced the experience of supplying weapons. For example, in the 1980s, during the Iran-Iraq war, Beijing gave Tehran Chinese production tanks, anti-ship missiles HY-2 Silkworm, and sent hundreds of Shenyang J-6 fighters, which are a copy of the Soviet Mig-19. In the political sense, the Chinese side adheres to neutrality, giving weapons not directly.

Therefore, in terms of Russia's military assistance, a similar situation is viewed, and weapons can be staged secret against the backdrop of false statements about "just peace and negotiations. " Unlike the limited capabilities of Iran and the DPRK, the Chinese defense industry is one of the largest and most powerful in the world. It is able to produce a wide range of weapons, including those that are compatible with the Soviet, and more importantly with Russian systems.

In addition, China has significant arms reserves for the army of more than 2 million people, making it a potential strategic partner for Russia in providing all types of military equipment. Thus, if you answer the question of which weapons can give, the answer can be simple - all. In this aspect, it all depends on the needs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including drones, artillery, ammunition, long -range missiles, including ballistic, etc.

It is also possible that the Russians will strengthen their air defense at the expense of Chinese supplies. "It should be borne in mind that, first, China has a number of weapons that are copies of the Soviet. For example, howitzers-122 mm PL-96 and D-30, 152 mm PL-66 and D-20, SAU PLZ PLZ -89 and 2C1 "Carnation". Thus, if we talk about the "Chinese factor", according to the observers, it is really a great threat.