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Turkish President Recep Taiip Erdogan intends to meet Putin in the near future. ...

Return of Istanbul Agreements: What Erdogan and Putin will agree on

Turkish President Recep Taiip Erdogan intends to meet Putin in the near future. What Moscow and Ankara will seek from each other, found out the focus. Turkish Foreign Minister Khakan Fidan said that there will be a substantive discussion of Vladimir Putin's visit to the country in the near future. "Our president had invited him before, it was about his arrival in us. But at first there were elections in Russia, then we have.

The leaders will again discuss this issue again," Hakan Fidan said on Haberturk. In turn, the Kremlin speaker Dmitry Peskov, commenting on a statement by a Turkish diplomat, emphasized on the processing of Putin's meeting with Recep Taiip Erdogan in Kazakhstan. According to Roszmi, it is about individual bilateral negotiations of two leaders in the fields of the Sanghai Summit of Cooperation (SCO), which will take place on July 3-4. The last Erdogan and Putin met in September 2023 in Sochi.

However, on the eve of the Peace Summit in Switzerland, Turkish Foreign Minister visited Russia, where he took part in the Brix meeting and was adopted by Putin, as well as the head of the local Foreign Ministry Laurev. In general, Volodymyr Putin reported about plans to visit Turkey on an official visit in December 2023. Later, Recep Taiip Erdogan said that he was waiting for a meeting with Russian visa after March 31, 2024.

However, the meeting was constantly postponed, as Peskov explained "because of the differences of presidential schedules". It should be noted that Turkey did not sign or ratify the Roman Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICS), so the arrest of Putin in the territory of this country was not threatened. Meanwhile, he still decided to meet Erdogan in a neutral territory, in which Kazakhstan will act in the role of.

The experts with whom the focus spoke is convinced that wherever the meeting of Turkish and Russian leaders took place, the last a priori will be as a leading, not the leading party. "Turks always talk about a grain agreement or Istanbul as a certain testimony of the influence of their country. I think Erdogan will emphasize the same while meeting Putin.

That is, a kind of neutral diplomatic line at a time when there is a lot of Turkey and Russia Political differences, such as Libya, Syria, Caucasus. To get a maximum from her, " - the director of the Middle Eastern Studies Center Igor Semivolos notes in a conversation with focus. Turkey, the expert, as selling weapons to Ukraine, will sell, and Putin will not be able to influence it in any way with Erdogan, as if he would not like it.

" "In general, it should be stated that the Turks play with the Russians quite successfully. The other thing is that we, Ukrainians, annoy that, here, the NATO country presses the hand of an international criminal. But the same Hungary or Slovakia behaves even worse and sometimes representatives of their power They are being thrown that you want to twist your index finger near the temple, " - emphasizes the expert.

Having emphasized that Turkey is "it is not Hungary, but the 17th economy of the world", Igor Semivolos summarized: "Yes, this economy is experiencing difficulty and so, the Turks in the heads in the heads now many different cockroaches, but who, who is asked, is asked They do not have them today? Having previously emphasized that Mr.

Erdogan's talking positions are now much stronger than Putin, political scientist Taras Zagorodniy in conversation with focus makes the following accent: "I think Erdogan will twist Putin's hands in relation to gas, oil discounts in the same Kazakhstan, Central Asia , etc. It can be assumed that Putin may require permission to allow the warship of the Black Sea, Turkey, guided by the Montre doctrine, forbidden. ".

According to the political scientist, in the topic of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Erdogan will act according to the following scheme: first "kisses" in Putin discounts on anything that is possible for himself in exchange for contact with official Kiev: "Erdogan will probably promise Putin to talk to Zelensky, And then he will spread his hands and say, "Well, you know, I asked him about that, and he (Zelensky - ed. ) Replyed," No. " Erdogan always behaved.

And as of today, Erdogan is one of the few decent people who still meet Putin. But once again I emphasize - this is such a function. By the way, it is likely that he will also give Putin some wishes from the Americans, " - sums up Taras Zagorodniy. In turn Demonstrate a signal of the need to reincarnate the Turkish talking ground in the context of future negotiations with Ukraine, which sooner or later should take place.

I will note that Turkey supported on one side an alternative, the so -called peace plan of China and Brazil, and on the other - signed under the communique of the Global Peace Summit. This clearly demonstrates that Turkey continues to take a neutral country that is ready to provide a platform for future negotiations of Kyiv and Moscow.

" "Russia, of course, will thank Turkey for its activity in this regard, but I think it will appeal to Istanbul in 2022, reproaching Ukraine and the West, which, they say, disrupted the negotiations. Actually, Putin considers Turkey's participation in terms of retrospectives in order to explain the continuation of his aggression against Ukraine.

But at the same time, Putin wants to combine Istanbul-2022 with the so-called realities on Earth and the corresponding return of the Russian Federation of five Ukrainian regions. Of course, no one will go to it, but the Kremlin, nevertheless, does not give up this absurd idea in every sense. "In this context, a recent meeting in Istanbul of Presidents of Zelensky and Erdogan, who spoke about Randev, should be reminded of Reddev's results. Our vision of the end of the war.

We are ready to take a peaceful summit, which will be involved in Russia, "Erdogan said then. He also recalled the negotiations that took place in Istanbul in the first weeks after a full -scale invasion of Russia. In particular, emphasizing that" diplomatic was not done then steps to use the negotiation table we built for peace, "Turkish President, at the same time emphasized that his country supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.