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According to the German deputy of the European Parliament Moritz Kerner, the Eur...

Nothing worries: how many foreign companies continue to work in the Russian Federation

According to the German deputy of the European Parliament Moritz Kerner, the European Union should strengthen sanctions and make it possible for European companies to be economically disadvantageous to work in the Russian market. More than a year since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, more than a thousand foreign companies continue to operate in the country of the aggressor.

They properly pay taxes to the budget of the aggressor country, helping the Kremlin regime to finance the war against our country. About it writes Deutsche Welle. Thus, as of September 18, 1,410 foreign companies continue to operate in Russia. Among them, in particular, the German pharmaceutical company Stada and a group of companies Fresenius, which specializes in the production of medical equipment.

In the past, they explained that they should work in the Russian Federation as they provide medical care to ordinary Russians. At the same time, as it is noted, about 40% of international companies have decided to leave Russia, or are actively working on it. Thus, according to estimates, 1 225 foreign companies are no longer working in Russia, but 275 of them have completely left the Russian market.

According to the German deputy of the European Parliament Moritz Kerner, every European company that continues to profit in Russia, with its taxes in favor of the Russian state directly supports the war against Ukraine. The deputy believes that the European Union needs to strengthen sanctions. "The activities of European companies in the Russian market should be economically unprofitable for them," Kerner emphasized.

At the very beginning of full -scale Russian aggression against Ukraine, a large number of Western companies actively reported that they were going to curtail their activities in the Russian Federation. Particularly successful in this company is a lacquer segment. They left Russia and a large number of world car manufacturers. But, for example, the world tobacco concern British American Tobacco to leave the Russian market, took almost a year.

However, not all known world brands have not left their business in Russia and Belarus and continue to earn in these regions, despite the status of "sponsor of the aggressor country". Thus, in August this year, two global manufacturers were added to the tobacco industry - Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco International, as well as known food corporations Pepsico and MARS and the Chinese group of companies of ALIBABA GROUP HOLDP HOLDP.