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Journalists say that the Ukrainian military against the signing of a peace agree...

15% are ready to protest with weapons: the Armed Forces against any peaceful plan with the concessions of the territories-WSJ

Journalists say that the Ukrainian military against the signing of a peace agreement, which they would not agree. According to Volodymyr Dubovik, the head of the Odessa Center for International Research, any ceasefire is related to significant political risk, and most Ukrainians will consider it a bad agreement.

Most citizens of Ukraine still want to continue resistance to military aggression of the Russian Federation and return the territory, and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that he wants to use the territories of Kursk region as a lever in negotiations. About it writes The Wall Street Journal. But one key social group with skepticism considers possible negotiations with the Russian Federation.

A study conducted among Ukrainian veterans and military showed that only 18% believe that Ukraine should try to end the war through negotiations - this is the lowest figure among other groups. Moreover, 15% of soldiers and veterans say they will join an armed protest if Kiev signs a peaceful agreement with which they will not agree. Andriy Biletsky, commander of the third assault brigade, says that in Western society there is fatigue from the war.

"This is not the most optimistic period for Ukraine, but no military catastrophe happened. This war is not lost," he said. He calls the question of negotiations political and believes that he does not decide what a peaceful resolution of a military conflict should look like. From a military point, he said, in Ukraine, there is no need to go to the truce.

The losses that Kiev suffered last year, he calls insignificant, and points to numerous, according to him, problems of the Russian Federation: poorly prepared military, lack with high losses. He sees a great danger in the war stopping and believes that Ukraine is able to conquer large territories.

Journalists point out that many Ukrainian soldiers who have been in the service since Russia have fallen into Ukraine in 2014, believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin uses a break only to re -arry the Russian army and then continue the invasion. Others believe that if Ukraine simply decides to yield to the territories of the Russian Federation, the victims of brothers will prove futile.

Ivan Panchenko, a 42-year-old veteran, who has been fighting since 2014, and last year was injured, said he opposed any peaceful plan that provides territorial concessions. "Russia has violated dozens of international agreements over the last 30 years, the agreements concluded with them are worthless. If we want a long peace, then they will need to do as much harm as possible," he said.

Polls show that although the population is generally skeptical of Putin's agreements, many - especially young generations - are ready to take a bad peace to stop the war. Alla Pronina, a 33-year-old teacher from Zaporozhye, said she began to think about negotiations after last year's counter-offensive. Her husband is on the front line, and she is ready to sacrifice all the Russian troops captured today for the sake of peace. But such statements are stored taboo.

After the shelling of a children's hospital in Kiev last month, the popular blogger Nastya Umka wrote in social networks to her 600,000th audience that people want peace and that there is no point in recovering the borders of 1991. It was then summoned to the SBU. Volodymyr Dubovik, Head of the Center for International Research in Odessa, said that changes in public opinion can push Zelensky to a certain agreement.

"The fact that people are probably ready for negotiations with Russia are a big change," he said, adding that any ceasefire is associated with significant political risk. According to him, most Ukrainians will consider it a bad deal. The continuation of the war is also associated with political challenges for President Zelensky, as further military support depends largely on the results of the November elections in the United States.

One of the Ukrainian defenders says that Soviet approaches are still being used in the army. According to a 37-year-old fighter, who was fighting in the east, the military who recently arrived in his unit from the training center, they were sent to the trench the next day, which, according to his expectations, is associated with a high level of loss due to lack of experience.

"We still follow the Soviet instructions - we do not pay attention to things such as medical training that are very necessary during the war," he said. The 45-year-old major in the east of Ukraine says that the government has created conditions under which those who are really motivated will not go to negotiations, and those who do not fight will make decisions. At the same time, Biletsky says that it is difficult to wear the whole 37 million nation in green and send it to trenches.

"We can't stop life," he said. However, the military believes that many problems are solved by quality preparation of recruits. "When poorly prepared does not know what will happen during the war, how he will fulfill his tasks, save his life and his brothers, he is afraid. We will remind that the Armed Forces returned positions near Siversky, and the capture of the Russians of the island in the Dnipro delta was not confirmed.