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Rostov NPP with its numerous structural and operational problems, journalist Ele...

Rostov NPP became part of the war: why in Russia they spoke about a radioactive cloud

Rostov NPP with its numerous structural and operational problems, journalist Elena Stepova compares with a gun, which should be fired. And trying to model situations, as the Russian leadership can do. If a gun hangs on the wall, it must be shot. This Chekhov statement very successfully describes the state of things at the Rostov NPP. Last week, another accident occurred at the Rostov NPP. This led to a few days of disconnection of ORDLO and Rostovshchyna.

This is not the first emergency at the Rostov NPP, I will say more, it is a stability in Russian, because even the population is accustomed to accidents on RAES and jokes that the saying "Rostov is all over" has an interesting meaning. The RAES's accidents began with the launch itself and are steadily occurring on each of the power units. But most often "humorous" the fourth power unit, which was built in a hurry and launched in 2018, preparing for the annexation of Crimea and Donbass.

As Rostov experts say, there is a complete marriage - both in the seams and in the foundation, cooling tanks are designed for 3 units, and they serve 4. I am not surprised, because in the USSR, as in Russia, everything is glued with GI*on and the drinkers , with "God's help" and on the avass. "Avoid" in general the most beloved Russian strategy, so I believe that they were building.

From the launch of the 4th power unit worked a little more than a year-and "appeared trunk", where it is not known, it is only rumors from social networks, but since then they began to write that people have been killed on the RAPS, although the government, of course, denies. Officially, the Russian authorities recognized only an accident that occurred at the Rostov NPP on October 21, 2021, when a couple leakage took place due to a defect in the weld on the second unit. Next - silence.

About accidents can only be found from blackouts that are consistently covered by Rostovshchina, and through social networks that begin to hum and pour recommendations that iodine is best to drink to prevent damage. Why so? Well, it is worth mentioning the Chernobyl accident when Soviet officials exported families, people went on their instructions to the parade, and asked about the accident from abroad because they recorded the release of radiation.

In Russia, it is known that "no", so it is unlikely The IAEA now has enough radiation hazard. The Russians, as always, learn everything in the last moment. "At the last moment" is a very good saying, as my grandmother said, "Let God go to her ears. " This accident was a little interested in the fact that for the first time in all this time the information drive about "we are all dumbs, the radiation of the row mounted the club of Russia" put pro -Russian publications and bloggers.

Most information came from the ORDLO resources. That is, pro -Russian information groups staged the violence "Avaria at the Rostov Aes, Russia is dying", did everything to focus on the attention of information resources on this event with the accident. Of course, such news was immediately picked up by a journalistic community, but without a detailed analysis or verification, so she kept a little in tension and entertained the Ukrainian reader with the text "Radiation Oblast, mounted on Samara".

But it didn't happen as it thought. The accident was not yet eliminated, ORDLO and Rostovshchyna were deactivated and fan off, but no frantic radiation emissions were recorded. The fact that the accident was large, no one denies, because on July 16, several million people remained in the south of Russia without electricity. Without electricity, residents of Elice, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Rostov, Anapa, Armavir, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk and other settlements remained.

Blackout was reported by Dagestan, who was also healed from the Rostov NPP. Restrictions were imposed in Derbent, Hasavurt and Kiziluria, Caustic, Derbent, Akhtinsky, Tsumadinsky, Shamilsky, Gerge Volivsky and other areas. The light also disappeared into the ORDLO, which also depend on the Rostov NPP. There were panic in ORDLO and newlycown areas, including in Mariupol, people were looking for dosimeters through social networks.

Currently, the light to the Rostov region and the ORDLO is returned, but consumers receive it hourly, the graphs of fan shutters were introduced. So the assurance of official representatives in the Rostov region and ORDLO did not believe, because many of the inhabitants of the East remember "everything good" during the Chernobyl tragedy.

The governor of Rostov region sadly noted that without accidents at the NPP to provide consumers with electricity is very difficult, because there is wear of networks, transformers and substations. This has long been said not only by Ukrainian but also Russian experts. If Ukraine promptly restores damaged systems, transformers and has more of the latest networks, then in Russia no damage or damage to the electrical system will be renewed and will lead to long -term shutdown.

This is a country of "nanotechnology", which is more like a ruin with mold . . . But let's return to our rams, that is, to the RAES accident. Why did the Russians do the "Radiation Oblaco, which is on Saratov"? Why did they focus on the accident? And why did the peak of information noise fall on the Ukrainian segment of social networks? That's very interested in me. This means that the Rostov NPP becomes part of the war. It may be the gun that will shoot in the last act.

So today I fantasize or predict several options for action on the topic, if the RAES, that is, "gun" still "shoot". First, it will be very profitable for Russia itself. It will simply be a "gift of fate" that Putin can use to change the course of war, sanctions and attitude of the international community to Russia. We love victims and victims.

Empathic performances of politicians, sorrow on the faces of journalists, concerned ecology defenders, sad people with tubers who are evacuated, tears of children in a great plan. Oh, Russia is able to direct, shoot and represent tragedies. It is worth mentioning "Ryazan Sahar", Nord-Ost, Beslan.

The ecological radiation disaster could give the advantages of Russia's karma, change the world's attitude to their compassionate and help Russia to relieve sanctions, as it is necessary to save the world from nuclear pollution. Therefore, undermining, oh, that is, the RAES accident, is very profitable to Russia, for example, to withdraw troops from Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions, to finish "your", because the "fatherland is inpass".

This would allow Putin to turn from the enemy to the victim and keep their faces in front of the Russians - "we have died of their own, so they would help their people. " The world is empathically sobbing, the Pope breaks his hands in mourning, the UN is concerned about. This is a good reason for the weakening of sanctions, the import of goods, including the continuation and reconstruction of the production cycle for weapons. Good cover for restoring Russian relations and international community.

Sounds like a fantasy, but we just model, think. Here, for example, these "crashes" are worried, because Rostov is not just a city, but Rostovshchina is not just a region, it is a military district that has a dense accumulation of military equipment, weapons, people, ammunition.

If there is a radiation lesion, then the front is gone to the front, people who "glow" will go, and we will fly up shells, which will also be dangerous because they lay in the Rostov region warehouses and came under pollution and radiation. This situation is beneficial to Russia for the reason that the 100-kilometer zone will be completely dead. That is, the border of the Luhansk region will also be affected so that it will become unsuitable for life.

Here is a sanitary area from the terrible NATO. Absolutely cheap, at no unnecessary cost. Perhaps that is why there is a significant agitation in ORDLO to keep people go to Russia? Although… and the development of the Russians is very active here. But Russians, like cockroaches, can live even in the reactor itself. Putin has been talking about sanitary zones and their importance to protect Russia from NATO. Radiation accident is a good and cheap reason to create a zone that would scare people.

Yes, there are many options and they are not so bad for Russia. You will say, the victims, the lesions of the earth, will Putin go to this? Oh, you, there are few wars, broken hospitals and playgrounds? It was once said that the Russians also people and they would not go to us, and Putin is not stupid to start such a war, I was not believed here . . . So these scenarios are not so fantastic for me. Is it bad for us? Of course, because our land will be affected, not suitable for anything.

There will be many refugees, because they are now they are "Republic" and "Russian people", and as it is baked, most residents of the ORDLO will get a Ukrainian passport and come here, because he already knows how it, to live "Russian". I already wrote about a weapon that can also have a radiation threat. The burned earth, the new "Pripyat". Again, a good trump card for the Kremlin, if it comes to concessions about ORDLO. A kind of "sanitary zone".

Interestingly, the residents of my city can confirm, in 2014, when it all started, we had a lot of talk that Russia was taking Donbas to form a sanitary area from Europe and NATO, so this area should be without people. Then they did not believe it, moreover, they began to say that it was the idea of ​​Ukraine, not Russia. Although the Russian maps were stated. Therefore, I did not like it, though I was interested in this "white noise" about "radiation, gone into the deep Russia.

" Russians never do something just like that. It was some information training. The accident was used very well. More interesting, the authorities of the Rostovshchina constantly increase the number of Ukrainian UAVs that attack the region every night. Up to 47 drones came from 47, which "successfully knock down". Every day in the Rostov region, the governor begins with the report of the number of "killed" Ukrainian UAVs and that no one was injured.

The impression that the Rostovhan was translated into anxiety and fear. This can be preparation for the terrorist attack or encouragement to go to fight, or to avoid questions about the rise in prices, because "you see it, we attacked, we are shy, we are better in the world. " The stress in the region is increasing. No, of course, our UAVs fly and carry out successful operations . . . But I see the Rostovchan kept in a state of anxiety and dinner a little, according to Russian tradition.

So I said that watching the Rostov region is interesting. Well, anxiety, she is now everywhere. At the same time, the boomerangs began to return to the Russians somewhat straightens their wings. Finally, the war returns where it came from. As for the Rostov "gun", I am not Vanga and not a vestment, it is simply a man's observation, which has been living in war for 24 for 10 years and catches every movement. The author expresses a personal opinion that may not coincide with the editorial position.