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About 20 people, under the direction of the current manager of the enterprise, b...

On helicopters and with weapons: in Russia unknown captured the oil company - Roszma (video)

About 20 people, under the direction of the current manager of the enterprise, broke into the territory and now, according to eyewitnesses, control several fuel and energy facilities. In the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation, dozens of armed people on helicopters seized the oil company "Dulisma". For the first time, the information about it appeared on Saturday, September 16 - then a short video with armed men was posted on YouTube channel. "Irkutsk.

I cheer for both teams" - a video was signed, which shows a fight between people with weapons. In turn, Rosmedia wrote about the incident only on Sunday, September 17, at the afternoon. Several videos and documents were published by Baza Media. According to the media, a landing of 23 armed men landed on the territory of the enterprise "Dulisma". They called themselves fighters of some private security companies. At the same time, the "Chopivtsi" opened the shooting and put everyone in the ground.

Among the hostages were both the protection of the enterprise and ordinary employees. According to the company, men have seized the documentation and actually control several fuel and energy facilities. At the same time, according to the media, which journalists received from their own sources, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is known about the visit of armed men to Dulis - and on September 14, the department even received a statement about the raider capture.

However, employees have not yet become. In addition, the SHOT media published additional information about the capture of the Dululia. Journalists write that an armed attack on the enterprise happened in early September, and the invaders themselves were 20. According to employees of the enterprise, he managed armed men, a valid manager, who now allegedly represents the interests of another owner.

Baza writes that the company itself is associated with Alexei Hotin - the owner of the Bank "Yugra", which is under arrest in the case of theft. "Interestingly, last year, a similar scheme with" Chop "captured another probable object of the businessman - the company" Kayum Nafta "," the media reports. For their part, SHOT journalists spoke with law enforcement officers. In the regional MIA, they were told that " Dulisim "divide two owners in court, who cannot agree on whom the enterprise belongs.

According to police officers, there was a court decision for which special forces were involved. In August we wrote that the war in Ukraine could really destroy the Russian Federation . A number of analysts consider the collapse of the Russian Federation as a possible consequence of the catastrophic war of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine. But they note that the fall of the Russian Federation will not pass smoothly.