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According to analysts,

Belarus can be related to the production of drones that attack Ukraine - analysts

According to analysts, "a snake can bite itself as a tail," as Iranian chessi often fly into the territory of Belarus. The Republic of Belarus may be connected with Iranian drone producers used by Russia for war in Ukraine. About it reports the international intelligence community InformNapalm with reference to a group of activists Cyber. anarchy. squad. The volunteers were able to obtain data from the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and the related legal entities at 700 GB.

"The first results of the analysis of these materials indicate the possible cooperation of Belarusian companies with sub -Iranian enterprises related to the production of weapons for the corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Quir)," the statement reads. In particular, from May 8 to 11, 2024, the Belarusian concern "Belneftechim" participated in the international exhibition "Iran Oil Show".

Iranian companies were also located there, and a number of arrangements were reached between them. In particular, the Belarusian enterprise of the OAO "Polotsk-Steclovokno" signed a memorandum of intentions with the Iranian company for the supply of silica materials worth 200 thousand euros. Silica fiber can be military use. There is no official information about the Iranian company Composite Alborz.

In available databases, there is only information about the little -known company Alborz Composite, which is engaged in metallurgy. Therefore, there are suspicions that the documents could deliberately change the name to hide illegal activities. Analysts believe that in fact Belarusians cooperate with another company - Alborz Organic Materials Engineering Co. , which recently came under US sanctions.

"If our suspicions are confirmed, then Belarusian petrochemical companies supply materials for the Iranian military industry that produces missiles and drones. Iran, in turn, transmits this weapon of Russia, which uses it for attacks in Ukraine. This emphasizes deep international relations between States providing Russia's military support in its war against Ukraine, ”they added there.

Analysts added that this information confirms the importance of international monitoring and control over the supply of strategic materials that can be used by Russia in the war against Ukraine. "At the same time, the Iranian" Shahda ", which Russia received from Iran, has recently begun to fly into Belarus. So far, it was without casualties, but sooner or later and this" snake "can bite itself by the tail," the volunteers added.