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In the last 30 days alone, Russian invaders have launched more than 6 X-69 missi...

The Russian Federation began to use more often in the war against Ukraine Su-57 fighters

In the last 30 days alone, Russian invaders have launched more than 6 X-69 missiles in Ukraine, which are launched with SU-57. RF Air and Space forces are increasingly used by SU-57 fighters for rocket strokes in Ukraine. About it reports Defense Blog. At the end of February 2024, the Russian army began to use Su-57 fighters for missile strikes in Ukraine. Since then, the number of blows has only continued to grow.

In the last 30 days, more than 6 winged X-69 rockets were launched from Su-57 aircraft. The use of the latest fighters occurs from the air base in the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation. They fly into the airspace over Kurschyna, Bryansk and others. occupied Luhansk region. Usually operations occur when two Su-35 are accompanied. The well-known carrier of the X-69 rocket is only SU-57. This winged rocket is called Russian response to Storm Shadow and Taurus.

The fighter wears X-69 in the internal compartments. Publicly known the rocket flight range is up to 290 km, but practical application showed about 310 km. Experts of the Kyiv Research Institute of Forensic Expertise confirmed that the Russian Federation has been banging in Ukraine with winged X-69 missiles after attack on Trypillian TPP. Then, in May near Kiev, an unreasonable X-69 missile was discovered.