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All FSB statements about the destruction of DRG with

Check forces? Why volunteers from the Russian Federation committed a raid to Belgorod region (video)

All FSB statements about the destruction of DRG with "victorious" statistics on 100 fighters and dozens of tanks can be ordinary delusional. The Kremlin aims to maintain "stability", says Focus journalist Alexander Matvienko. The Russian volunteer units that came to Belgorod region could aim to test their forces with the offensive of the spring, when the weather allows to conduct active fighting, and the landscape is significantly green. It can be a kind of feather breakdown.

Alexander Matvienko, a journalist of the military department of focus, told this in an interview. In his opinion, the very fact of the event to the Belgorod region from the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDC), the Legion "Freedom of Russia" and "Siberian Battalion" demonstrates the absence of attacking forces of the Russian army for the offensive.

When asked by the presenter, whether the target of the capture of nuclear weapons in the Belgorod region Matvienko replied that it was rather a fantastic scenario. "In the Belgorod region there is a nuclear arsenal" Belgorod-22 ", but after sabotage measures of Russian volunteers last year, nuclear warheads, probably, from there they were taken out," Matvienko said. -If not exported, then significantly strengthened the protection of the object.

" Oleksandr Matvienko notes that the FSB statements about the destruction of DRG with "victorious" statistics on 100 fighters and dozens of tanks are a common practice for the Russian Federation. The Kremlin aimed at maintaining "stability", but at the same time the FSB did not provide any photos with fallen Russian volunteers (at the time of recording the broadcast on the morning of March 12).

"Ukraine should carry as much fighting as possible to the territory of Russia with the help of drones on MIC, saboteurs and invasions," the journalist emphasizes. "It is necessary to do so that the enemy could not feel safely increasing the production of the same managed aviation. " It is also important to hit the MIC enterprises of the MIC and because the enemy cannot collect heavy armored vehicles, Matvienko notes.

For example, today, according to various estimates of the Russian Federation, it produces close 100 tanks of all types on a monthly basis, but it is still less than it loses on the battlefield. Therefore, according to the journalist, a year or one and a half can be a situation where the warehouses simply end with old T-72 tanks or others and rebellious: what to do next.