The causes of the fire, said the head of the region, establish. At the same time, the Ukrainian OSINT researchers of the Telegram channel "Cyberbos" determined that it was burning in the territory of the 3754th central aviation base (13830). Analysts of the Dnipro Osint group with pumpkin suggest that the parking lot of car equipment is burning. In addition, it was found which places were filming. Recall that on July 1 in Belgorod there was an explosion.
Before that, the local authorities turned on the alarm signal, the sounds of air defense forces were heard. After the ground explosion, a pillar of smoke rose above the stroke. Also we will remind that on July 1 it was loud and in the temporarily occupied Crimea. The locals heard explosions in the area of Sevastopol and Balaklava, and Russian air defense also worked.
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