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According to Russian journalists, the President of the Russian Federation stated...

"We will get to them": Putin hinted at revenge on the organizers of the terrorist attack in "City City"

According to Russian journalists, the President of the Russian Federation stated that it is necessary to identify not only direct performers, but also all participants of the chain, including "final criminal beneficiaries". Russian leader Vladimir Putin at an extended meeting of the law enforcement board expressed his intention to understand the organization of a terrorist attack in the Moscow region and get to the customers.

He stressed that terrorism is a "two -minute weapon" and promised to find the "beneficiaries" of a terrorist attack in City Hall City. On April 2, the Russian Agency "Interfax" reports. Vladimir Putin hinted at a possible revenge for the terrorist attack committed in the Moscow region, and assured that the organizers were waiting for punishment.

"Those who use this weapon, which is the weapon used against Russia, should understand that it is a shallowly sharp one," Putin said on Tuesday at an extended meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, "Putin said. The President of the Russian Federation promised to identify" customers " The terrorist attack in the City Hall Crocus Concert Hall in the Moscow region. We will definitely come to them, "the President emphasized.

The President also noted that cases of ordering crimes for money are not exceptional. " There is no reliable agency in this environment. There they do for money, anything, guided not by religious, not political considerations, but only by financial. Any information is easily purchased and sold. We will definitely get to the final customers, "the Russian President quoted" Interfax ".

In the evening of March 22, there was a shooting in the City Hall City Concert Hall in the Moscow He had a fourth one - shot events on the camera. The men started shooting the Russians who came to the Picnic Group concert. After that they blew up a grenade and fled from "crocus" on Rena 300 km from Moscow 10 km from the Belarusian-Russian border. During detention of people, the corresponding videos were posted on the network.

According to the latest data, more than 140 people were killed in the concert hall. On March 23, the FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov reported to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The detention of 11 people, including four men who directly participated in the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall Concert Hall.