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According to lawyer Anton Marynich, there are no clear rules in the Law of Ukrai...

Mobilization in Ukraine: Can several family members be taken to the army

According to lawyer Anton Marynich, there are no clear rules in the Law of Ukraine as to whether two brothers can call. However, some exceptions are still thought out. In Ukraine, martial law and general mobilization will continue until November 15. During this period, conscripts may be awarded to military citizens from 18 to 60 years old. Nota Group's lawyer and leading legal advisor Anton Marynich told RBC-Ukraine if he could send several members of the same family.

Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization and Mobilization Training" has a list of grounds that allow citizens to receive a deferral. Accordingly, they cannot be called for military service. The lawyer noted that in Ukraine it is not clear how many members from one family can mobilize during the war. That is, there are no restrictions that there are no two brothers to serve. In this case, the law has an exception item.

For example, they do not call family members if close relatives of the conscript (husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother or brother with his sister) were killed or missing during Russia's armed aggression in Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts, or during national security and defense, repeling and restraining armed aggression against Ukraine during martial law.

"They will definitely not mobilize those men and women whose close relatives have died in the war or missing missing," said Anton Marynich. Also, a man who raises a minor child or children on his own is not able to take into the army while his wife stands for the defense of the Motherland. The same goes for the wife. If a man is in the service and he is engaged in raising children, then they will definitely not be called.